put to sleep
If your little pet suffers from a serious, incurable disease, it is best to euthanize the animal. Diseases and disorders develop gradually in older guinea pigs, so that the animals get used to their condition over time and may not necessarily suffer from severe pain. Decide with your veterinarian whether to euthanize your guinea pig. It is especially difficult for children to come to terms with the loss of a beloved playmate. In this case, you must explain to the child why the animals die.
Note. In the case of zoonoses, diseases transmitted from animals to humans, children’s doctors often recklessly state that it is the pet that can be the carrier of the disease. Under no circumstances, however, should a guinea pig be euthanized on the basis of a single suspicion. The veterinarian should examine the animal and consult a pediatrician on this issue.
If your little pet suffers from a serious, incurable disease, it is best to euthanize the animal. Diseases and disorders develop gradually in older guinea pigs, so that the animals get used to their condition over time and may not necessarily suffer from severe pain. Decide with your veterinarian whether to euthanize your guinea pig. It is especially difficult for children to come to terms with the loss of a beloved playmate. In this case, you must explain to the child why the animals die.
Note. In the case of zoonoses, diseases transmitted from animals to humans, children’s doctors often recklessly state that it is the pet that can be the carrier of the disease. Under no circumstances, however, should a guinea pig be euthanized on the basis of a single suspicion. The veterinarian should examine the animal and consult a pediatrician on this issue.