Puppy social skills: how to raise a pet?
Familiarity and experience are key factors in your dog’s fruitful communication with other animals, people and the world around him, that is, his successful socialization. A pet should get as many positive experiences as possible associated with different people, places and other animals.
Is your dog good, well behaved, calm, confident and obedient when interacting with other dogs or people? Some animals exhibit curious quirks. Some are afraid of people with gloves or men with beards. Others bark furiously when they see another dog, or are terribly afraid to get into a car.
How to socialize a pet? Socialization is aimed at correcting strange behavior in dogs. This process must be started at an early age, but it must continue throughout life. Even a dog that has been adopted from a shelter as an adult can benefit from socialization training.
Positive experience is the key to success
Simple repetition of actions for the socialization of a pet is not enough – the experience acquired by the dog in new situations must be positive. For example, if you invite your friend’s children home so that the dog gets used to them, and they pinch, poke or scare him, this will not be a positive experience for him.
Start young
How to raise the perfect dog? While your pet is still young, puppy training schools and puppy parties at your home and veterinary clinic are a great opportunity for her to make friends with other dogs. Resist the temptation to coddle nervous animals or chastise overly noisy ones. Dogs are social animals and need to learn how to interact with each other, so it’s no surprise that the best way to do this is by interacting!
Allow your pet to meet different people and stock up on treats that you will reward him for good behavior. Never leave him alone with toddlers or babies. Small children may accidentally hurt or frighten him, and if the animal becomes worried or uncomfortable, he may become angry with them.
Change the route of your daily walks in the city and take your dog to places he is not used to. The more experience she has, the easier it will be for her to get out of different life situations.
You are the leader
Dogs instinctively have a strong sense of hierarchy and you should always be at the head of the pack. She must know that you are confident and not afraid – only then she will not be afraid.
If you want your dog to feel at ease around large animals but feel nervous around them, you should stop doing that. You will do more harm than good until you demonstrate that you are comfortable in this situation.
A simple yet effective way to help your dog become sociable is to keep his attention on you while he is in a situation where he does not feel confident. She considers you the leader of the pack because you are strong and competent, and she will be comfortable in the knowledge that the leader will take care of everything.
Professional help
If your pet is showing aggressive behavior, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Aggressive reactions are not necessarily a sign of an ill-mannered dog, but they should be dealt with promptly. Check with your veterinarian who can recommend a behavioral specialist.