Pseudogastromizon striata
Pseudogastromyzon striped, scientific name Pseudogastromyzon fasciatus, belongs to the family Gastromyzontidae (Gastromizons). The fish is native to southeast China. Inhabits reservoirs and river systems located in mountainous areas. A typical biotope is a shallow fast mountain stream with a rocky bottom and a small amount of aquatic vegetation. The stream is usually well lit by the sun, and the water is rich in oxygen and relatively cool.
Adults reach a length of about 8 cm. Striped pseudogastromizon is perfectly adapted to life in rough water. The fish has a flattened teardrop-shaped body – a wide front and a narrow tail. The pectoral fins are designed to keep the fish on the surface of a stone or boulder, rather than for swimming. The coloration is gray or yellowish with rows of dark stripes.
Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed. On closer examination, males, unlike females, have small tubercles on their heads. Males look slimmer. However, the latter feature in the mixed age group is not so obvious.
In the same area in southeast China, similar but smaller related species live – Pseudogastromyzon cheni and Pseudogastromyzon myersi.
Brief information:
- The volume of the aquarium – from 120 liters.
- Temperature – 20-23°C
- Value pH — 7.0–8.0
- Water hardness – medium or high
- Substrate type – small pebbles, stones
- Lighting – bright
- Brackish water – no
- Water movement – moderate or strong
- The size of the fish is about 8 cm
- Nutrition – plant-based sinking feed
- Temperament – conditionally peaceful
- Content in a group
Behavior and Compatibility
Pseudogastromizon striped is considered a conditionally peaceful species. In a spacious aquarium, it gets along well with relatives and other species that can live in turbulent water at relatively low temperatures. However, in cramped conditions it can show hostility if these fish do not have enough space. Prefers the company of relatives.
Spends most of the time at the bottom. Has a tendency to dig into gravel in search of food.
Maintenance and care, arrangement of the aquarium
The optimal size of the aquarium for a group of 3-4 fish starts from 120-150 liters. For these fish, bottom area is more important than tank height. In the design, the focus is on the lower tier. The soil should consist of small pebbles, stones, boulders. It is recommended to place large snags. Aquatic plants are optional. If desired, species capable of growing in fast water can be used. For example, various aquatic mosses and ferns that thrive in turbulent streams and can grow on the surface of stones.
It is important to ensure a moderate or fast flow of water in the aquarium. This can be achieved by installing a separate pump and / or a powerful internal filter.
It is recommended to provide a high level of illumination. The abundance of light promotes the growth of some algae, which will become additional food for the fish.
Pseudogastromizon striata lives in relatively cool water, so there is no need for a heater.
The basis of the diet in the wild is algae from the number of filamentous and diatoms and the microorganisms living in them. In a home aquarium, stimulating the growth of such algae is welcome. A good place to grow can be natural driftwood, illuminated by bright light.
In a home aquarium, you should feed sinking food (tablets, granules) consisting of plant components. As a supplement as a source of protein, fresh or frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, etc. should be served.
Source: FishBase