Prepare your shy cat for a noisy party
If you are a cat owner and love to entertain, you have probably noticed that during a house party your cat becomes shy, hides under the bed or in the closet and does not show up until all the invitees have left.
Your cat’s anxiety or fear in large crowds is natural. The animal instinctively shows caution in unfamiliar surroundings, whether it be people, inanimate objects or a new place, as it knows that everything unknown can be dangerous, explains Petcha.com. A house full of strangers can awaken this instinct in him. However, there are several ways to help your cat not feel overwhelmed during a noisy party with a lot of guests.
Leave the animal alone
Before the party starts, let the cat calmly look around and climb around the house. This does not mean that she can walk on the table or kitchen counter – just let her know what is happening around. Once she gets used to the decorations and new smells, she will calm down a bit.
Animal Planet explains: “A flustered kitten often won’t let you get your hands on it, which means it will evade when you try to pet it. He will also want to hide, and you will see that he walks stalking, on bent legs, to be closer to the ground. At the same time, the pet can drive with its ears or lower its tail, but keep the tip up. Cats use body language to communicate with their owners, so check in with your furry friend from time to time during the party.
To avoid forcing a flustered cat to interact with guests, make sure she has a safe place before the party starts in case she gets frightened. Ask guests not to enter the bedroom so as not to disturb the pet, who has already identified a comfortable and familiar place for himself to hide there. If the cat wants to be alone, away from people, provide her with a quiet and safe place, for example, in a closed laundry room or bathroom. Be sure to put all the essentials for her: a tray, a bowl of water and food, and toys so that the cat feels in a familiar environment.
Train your cat to communicate
One way to prepare your pet for parties is to socialize her from an early age. Despite the fact that proverbs say otherwise, cats are quite sociable creatures and love to spend time in the company of people!
If your furry family member is still small (8-12 weeks old), then he will acquire communication skills much faster and easier. A kitten that has little interaction with people as a child grows up with a high level of anxiety when interacting with them, ”explains PetMD. Play with your pet more and let him interact with more different people.
You can instill social skills in an adult fearful cat. You will have to be patient and plan every step, but, nevertheless, a cat of any age can learn to communicate and behave calmly in large crowds and noisy places. Regardless of your cat’s age, you can ask guests not to disturb her. You don’t want to force your pet to interact with people beyond his will.
If the same people usually come to your parties, try to introduce your pet to them in advance. This type of socialization will help your cat stay calm when organizing events of any size. Ask one of your friends to sit quietly (and not make sudden movements) until the cat comes to him. Do not be surprised if during the first meeting the kitten runs away, but gradually he will begin to get used to this person.
Provide your pet with a place to hide, then he, and you, and your guests will feel more relaxed and calm. Instill communication skills gradually, at a pace that is comfortable for the cat – and at the next party you will be surprised to see her among your guests. Always remember that this is also her home. In her own home, a cat wants to feel at ease. Never force an animal to interact with humans. If you see that the cat is acting tense, try to calm her down by taking her to a secluded place. It will also help strengthen your relationship with your pet.
Image source: Flickr