This section contains the most famous predatory fish that can be kept in home aquariums. All of them are different from each other, come from a wide variety of ecological niches and make different demands on the environment in which they are located. The only thing that unites them is a predatory disposition. However, despite this, many of them are not aggressive and are quite peaceful towards other fish that are large enough to eat.
Before deciding on the purchase of predatory fish, it is worth remembering that their maintenance is associated with a number of difficulties. Difficulties are associated not only with meeting the need for meat products and/or live food, but also with the need to maintain the quality (purity) of water at a high level within the acceptable range of hydrochemical values. This is precisely the biggest problem due to the large amount of organic waste they produce. Taking into account the large volume of aquariums, it becomes necessary to equip it with productive systems for cleaning and monitoring the state of water and other specialized equipment.
Thus, keeping predatory aquarium fish is not only difficult, but also expensive, so they are not recommended for beginner aquarists.
Pick up fish with a filter
- Mesh slope
- Amiya
- Aravan
- Asian Aravana
- Arawana Myanmar
- Aristochromis Christi
- African pike
- African snakehead
- Barbus Hampala
- white piranha
- Belonesox
- Biara
- big cichlid
- Veslonosoy som
- Pennant piranha
- Guyanese catfish
- Gunch
- Dimidochromis
- andrao snakehead
- Ocellated snakehead
- Snakehead pulchera
- rainbow snakehead
- Snakehead “Golden Cobra”
- golden leopard
- Kalamoicht
- Pygmy snakehead
- Kigome red
- spiny eel
- red-bellied piranha
- red-tailed barracuda
Mesh slope
Asian Aravana
Arawana Myanmar
Aristochromis Christi
African pike
African snakehead
Barbus Hampala
white piranha
big cichlid
Veslonosoy som
Pennant piranha
Guyanese catfish
andrao snakehead
Ocellated snakehead
Snakehead pulchera
rainbow snakehead
Snakehead “Golden Cobra”
golden leopard
Pygmy snakehead
Kigome red
spiny eel
red-bellied piranha
red-tailed barracuda