Precostomus Galactica
Leporacanthicus galaxias or Precostomus Galaxy, scientific name Leporacanthicus galaxias, belongs to the family Loricariidae (Mail catfish). The catfish is native to South America. The natural range is extensive and extends over large areas, including the southern tributaries of the Amazon in its middle and lower reaches, such as Madeira, Tapajos. Catfish are also found in separate river systems of the Tocantins and the upper Orinoco basin.
Inhabits sections of rivers with fast turbulent currents. It was found in foothill shallow rivers among boulders and snags.
Adults reach a length of up to 21 cm. The fish has a flattened body with large fan-shaped fins. The color is black with many rounded white specks. The drawing of the body resembles the night starry sky, for this feature it was nicknamed Precostomus Galaxy.
However, this catfish has another colloquial name – Plecostomus vampire. The fact is that this species is characterized by an unusual structure of the dentition of the upper jaw, on which two separate large teeth or “canines” are visible. Presumably, they are designed to capture and hold snails and other invertebrates.
The name Leporacanthicus galaxias is a collective name for four subspecies classified in the scientific literature as L007, L240, L241 and L294. Such designations are sometimes found in the description and should not be misleading. They are probably geographical forms with minor differences in appearance.
Behavior and Compatibility
Not too friendly towards relatives and related species with similar coloration, perceiving them as competitors for food resources. In a small tank, if there is not enough space, skirmishes are possible. The joint content of 2 or more Precostomus Galaktika is recommended in tanks from 200–250 liters.
Compatible with non-aggressive species of comparable size living in the water column or near the surface. South American cichlids, such as Retroculus Xingu, haracins (Metinnis, Hemiodopsis, Anostomus, etc.), Ancistrus catfish, peaceful catfish and many others will become good aquarium neighbors.
Brief information:
- The volume of the aquarium – from 200 liters.
- Temperature – 22-26°C
- Value pH — 5.6–7.0
- Water hardness – 2–15 dGH
- Substrate type – any
- Lighting – subdued
- Brackish water – no
- Water movement – moderate or strong
- The size of the fish is up to 21 cm.
- Food – any sinking food
- Temperament – quarrelsome
- Keeping alone in a small aquarium
Maintenance and care, arrangement of the aquarium
The optimal size of the aquarium for one adult catfish starts from 240 liters. In the design, it is recommended, if possible, to recreate the bottom of a mountain river: sand and gravel substrate, heaps of large stones, boulders, snags. Large decorative elements will act as natural shelters. The presence of aquatic plants is not necessary, but shade-loving species that can grow on the surface of stones and snags will be a good addition – these are, for example, anubias, many aquatic mosses and ferns.
Precostomus Galactica needs clean running water and prefers to be in an environment with a turbulent current. These features of the content are solved by placing a productive filtering system. If necessary, the aquarium can be additionally equipped with an internal pump.
The key to successful content is regular maintenance. First of all, we are talking about the weekly replacement of part of the water with fresh water and the removal of accumulated organic waste. An important role in maintaining high water quality is played by the uninterrupted operation of the filter.
Unlike many Plecostomos, Leporacanthus Galaxias is not a true vegetarian. Catfish accepts most sinking foods (flakes, pellets, tablets), and the basis of the diet should be foods high in protein, such as fresh or frozen bloodworms, shrimp and mussel pieces. This species is able to eat aquarium snails!