Prebiotics and probiotics in dog and cat food
Probiotics and prebiotics help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of the pet and strengthen the immune system. How do these substances differ from each other, what can serve as an indication for their use, is it possible to give probiotics and prebiotics to pets in food on an ongoing basis? We will discuss these questions in the article.
Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that help the immune system fight back against external negative factors. Probiotics enter the pet’s body and spread over the surface of the intestinal epithelium to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria. And prebiotics are substances of synthetic or organic origin that are not digested in the intestines, but are fermented by beneficial microflora, creating a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria.
Probiotics and prebiotics help restore balance in the digestive system, normalize the intestinal microflora, strengthening the pet’s immunity. If you imagine that the body is a factory, then probiotics are hardworking employees, and prebiotics are tools with which they can do their job even better.
It is difficult to say which of these substances are more useful. It is better when both of them support the health of the gastrointestinal tract of a four-legged friend. Probiotics and prebiotics are effective in combination.
Are there special balanced foods with probiotics and prebiotics for dogs, cats and other pets? Under what conditions are they needed?
Prebiotics and probiotics are easily absorbed by animals of all ages and have no side effects. They will be useful if the pet has digestive problems and a weakened system. These are, for example, such periods:
antibiotic treatment: the body needs to restore the balance of microflora against the background of exposure to strong medications;
time of vaccination;
disorders of the digestive system;
sensitive gastrointestinal tract – if necessary, you can give your pet food with probiotics on an ongoing basis;
weakened immunity, stress, recovery from poisoning – all those conditions when the pet’s health is most vulnerable;
pregnant and lactating females to replenish resources, maintain health and improve the quality of feeding offspring;
puppies and kittens until their young body is strong enough to effectively resist the negative environmental factors;
making changes to the usual diet, switching to a new food;
ailments caused by intestinal parasites, taking anthelmintics;
manifestations of allergic reactions;
The pet spends a lot of time traveling.
In the case of a chronically ill pet, probiotics must be present in the diet of dogs or cats for a sufficiently long time for a noticeable improvement.
Cat food with prebiotics and probiotics is designed to strengthen the body’s natural defenses of our four-legged friends. Such feeds are used to stimulate the pet’s digestive system and as a means of preventing a number of diseases. If the same preparation, feed or feed additive contains both probiotics and prebiotics at the same time, such a remedy is called a symbiotic.
If you think your pet needs a supplement, drug or food containing probiotics and prebiotics, please consult your veterinarian. He will select exactly the food that meets the needs of your pet. It’s best to check with your veterinarian about a probiotic for your pet beforehand so that a probiotic is always available. You can buy it at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store.
It’s a bad idea to give dogs or cats probiotics that are prescribed to humans. Yes, in case of gastrointestinal disorders, the doctor will prescribe medications with a similar effect, but the pet needs special remedies that their body can absorb.
Healthy microflora and good metabolism are due to the balance of various microbes in the pet’s body. Their well-coordinated interaction ensures the health of your ward and the protection of the pet from the negative effects of the environment.
Closely monitor the behavior and well-being of your dog or cat in order to take action in time and take care of the well-being of your faithful companion. We wish your pets good health!