Peristolifolia caudifoliform
Pinnatifolia, scientific name Myriophyllum pinnatum. As a synonym, another name is widely used – Peristolistka scabratum (Myriophyllum scabratum). Previously, they were considered independent species, but after detailed research they were combined into one.
Adding to the confusion is the fact that this plant is often sold under the erroneous Latin name Myriophyllum hippuroides, which belongs to a completely different species that is not used in aquariums. The error was discovered in 2010, but the incorrect designation is still found on many sites.
The natural habitat extends to the eastern regions of the United States. Grows in shallow water (lakes, swamps, river backwaters) and on wet substrates along the water’s edge.
Outwardly, it resembles other closely related South American species, such as the Brazilian Peristololium and the Matogros Peristololium. Forms an upright, slightly branching stem from green to red (depending on the light) and pinnate green leaves. The differences lie in the arrangement of leaf blades. They grow not only on whorls, but also alternate between them. The distance between the nodes of the leaves on the stem is small, so the plant is completely covered with foliage from the roots to the crown.
The content in the aquarium is simple. It is enough to plant the scabratum pinifolia in soft soil and periodically cut it so that it does not outgrow the surface of the water. Regular pruning will make the plant thicker and lusher, as new shoots will appear at the cut site. It is not picky about the temperature regime and the hydrochemical composition of water, and also does not need additional fertilizers and carbon dioxide.