Perististolistka matogrossky
Perististolium mattogrossky, scientific name Myriophyllum mattogrossense. The plant is native to the tropics of South America. Widely distributed in swampy lowlands in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. Grows in shallow riverbeds. During the dry season, it appears in the air on wet substrates.
It was first discovered in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, after which it got its name.
The name itself has been known in the aquarium trade for several decades. However, for a long time it was erroneously applied to another species – Myriophyllum tuberculatum, now known as Red Peristolist.
The mistake was discovered only in 1994. Since the former name has managed to take root firmly among aquarists, in order to distinguish between the two species, the prefix “green” or “red” is added to the name.
The true Peristolilia matogrossky “green” forms a tall erect stem completely covered with feathery green leaves resembling needles, but the “needles” are located in the same plane. Each whorl has two leaf blades.
It is one of the easiest aquarium plants to keep. Healthy growth requires soft soil, warm water and adequate light levels (moderate to high). Does not need additional introduction of carbon dioxide and mineral supplements. Enough of those organic substances that are formed naturally as a result of the vital activity of fish. Grows fast. Regular pruning is required.