Peace, friendship, Maine Coon
“Maine Coon, and Maine Coon, why do you have such a thick coat?” – “This is to be less cold in bad weather.” “And why such a long, fluffy tail?” – “To protect yourself from blizzards and strong winds.” “Why do you have such big, wide paws?” – “To walk more confidently in deep snow.” It would not be difficult for the Maine Coon to satisfy the curiosity of the future owner: of course, if, to all his merits, he still knew how to speak.
elegant giant
Among cats of domestic breeds, Maine Coons are real giants. Newborn kittens weigh 100-160 grams. Adult individuals, powerful and physically strong, – from 5 to 15 kilograms. Their height at the withers is 30-50 cm. The body is strong, muscular and at the same time slender and graceful. Despite their impressive size, they move almost silently – thanks to soft paws with long hair between the fingers.
Outstanding elegance is given to cats by a luxurious frill collar and a huge fluffy tail, so long that, when curled up, it reaches the shoulder of its owner.
Read in the eyes
Strong jaws with sharp teeth went to the Maine Coons from their ancestors: they had a developed hunting instinct, without which it is impossible to survive in the harsh conditions of North America. However, calmness and complacency are read in expressive, slightly slanting eyes.
Ustaya palette
This cat breed can be solid, smoky, or tortoiseshell. Color is made up of three main components:
- coat colors: black/blue, red/cream or white;
- pattern: tabby, smokey, calico, solid, tortoiseshell;
- the presence or absence of white spots.
Dogs of the cat world
Maine Coons are very trainable and love to spend time at the feet of the owner, thus expressing their love and devotion. Family favorites, Maine Coon cats are reasonable, neat, peaceful and accommodating by nature.
According to one legend, Marie Antoinette, sentenced to death, tried to escape on the ship of a certain Samuel Clo to America, taking with her all the most valuable – including her Turkish Angora cats. The hostess was not destined to leave France, but the cats safely reached the New World, settled with the captain and his wife in what is now the state of Maine. There they made acquaintance with local cats, laying the foundation for the Maine Coon breed.