Parrot needs to see a veterinarian: what to do?

Parrot needs to see a veterinarian: what to do?

Parrots, though not very whimsical pets, but it happens that they get sick. And then the owner has to puzzle over how to help his feathered friend? Self-treatment is not an option. Without education and experience, it is almost impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. And it is not always possible to carry a bird to the clinic, because this is a huge stress for a small living creature, especially one weakened by an illness.

Parrot needs to see a veterinarian: what to do?
Parrots get sick too, they also need doctors

In addition, it is difficult and uncomfortable to carry the cage. And often the birds live in pairs. And so it turns out that you have to carry both chirpers to the appointment with the veterinarian, because there is nowhere to leave the second one and no one with whom. As a result, the stress of the couple. Where is the chance that the second, because of the hassle and worries, will not start to get sick?

And even if you find a small carrier (so as not to drag the bird in your hands through half the city, because it can break out and fly away) and bring your pet to the doctor, it turns out that the bird was healthy. But in fact, she needed only vitamins, minerals and a small dietary adjustment? And here is the way back. And bad weather, too. Rain, wind, snow. And even if the parrot was healthy, then from such a trip he would definitely fall ill.

Parrot needs to see a veterinarian: what to do?
A bird, especially a sick one, has nothing to do on the street

And if we add the fact that due to the tight work schedule and the almost complete lack of free time, it is not always possible to get to the clinic on the very day when the first symptoms of the parrot’s illness appeared, then the pet’s recovery will be delayed. It is no secret that the most effective treatment is in cases where it is started as early as possible (and of course, it is chosen correctly). Therefore, early contact with an experienced ornithologist veterinarian is simply necessary to save the life of a parrot.

Parrot needs to see a veterinarian: what to do?
Calling a veterinarian at home is a real salvation for the owner of parrots

But what to do if there is no way to get out, and the bird is clearly sick? Calling the veterinarian at home – that’s the way out of the problem! Just one call, and at a convenient time for you, an experienced veterinarian will come to you, who will examine the sick twitterer, determine the cause of his illness, and prescribe an effective treatment. The advantage is not only that you do not need to make time, look for a clinic where there is an ornithologist (and all this with a cage and a frightened chick at the ready), you do not need to sit in lines where contact with sick animals is possible. But also in the fact that a sick bird will be examined at home, in a calm environment for him. Less stress – more chances for a speedy and complete recovery.

Therefore, as soon as you notice that your beloved feathered friend is sick, feel free to pick up the phone and call the veterinarian at home.

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