Outdoor pond for aquatic turtle
The turtle can be left outside during the day when the air temperature is at least (20) 25-28 C, and at night – if the night temperature is not lower than 18 C, otherwise the turtle will have to be brought into the house for the night.
In areas with a cold climate (St. Petersburg, Moscow …) aquatic turtles can only be left in the pond during the summer months. In autumn and until spring – they must be taken into the house and kept in a heated aquarium. In the southern regions of Russia, for example, in Krasnodar, turtles can be kept in the pond all year round, but only if the pond does not freeze completely. Bog turtles are more adapted to life in cold climates than red-eared turtles, therefore, in properly equipped outdoor reservoirs, they can winter in more northern latitudes.
The turtle pond should not only be wide and deep enough, but also be fenced (or the site itself should be well fenced) so that the turtle does not escape. It is recommended to dig the fence 30-50 cm into the ground. The height of the fence must be at least 1 meter.
Enclosure requirements: * the fence for the animal must be an insurmountable obstacle along its entire length; * It should not cause the animal to want to climb on it; * it must be opaque; * its surface should be smooth, not provoking the animal to climb; * it should accumulate heat, serve as protection from the wind; * it should be easily surmountable for the owner and well visible; * it must be aesthetic.
Materials that can be used for building a fence: concrete stone, concrete slab, paving stone, wooden beams, boards, stakes, asbestos-cement boards, reinforced glass, etc.
A turtle pond should have easy access to land where the turtles can bask. Land is a combination of a sandy shore, large stones or large branches and snags, for the best drying of the turtles’ plastron. Pond water can be filtered or simply refreshed with a hose.
A paddling pool can be used for temporary outdoor housing of aquatic turtles, but the possibility of reptiles escaping must be excluded.
Both in the pool and in the pond, a sunny and shaded area must be provided so that the turtle can regulate the temperature that is comfortable for her.
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