Oh those meerkats! Curious facts about predators

Oh those meerkats! Curious facts about predators

Meerkats are one of the smallest animals on the planet. So cute, but predatory!

Photo: pixabay.com

Here are some facts about these mammals of the mongoose family:

  1. Predatory animals live in the southern regions of Africa.

  2. They have excellent hearing, vision, and sense of smell.

  3. Meerkats live in large families – up to 50 individuals. So these animals are socialized.

  4. The main ones in family clans are females. Moreover, the representatives of the “weaker” sex are much physically stronger than males. And even outsized.

  5. Animals recognize each other by voice. And this fact has been scientifically confirmed: studies have been conducted during which meerkats have demonstrated that they recognize the voices of relatives even on audio recordings.

  6. Meerkats do everything together. And they hunt first. They also protect families, cubs, homes from enemies.

  7. But between families of meerkats there are conflicts and even fights. Animals bravely fight to the last.

  8. In families, as a rule, only the main female breeds. Others may even be killed along with the cubs.

  9. In one litter – from one to seven cubs. They are born blind, bald, deaf. The female gives birth twice a year. Both parents and other members of the family clan “look after” the offspring.

  10. Even a nulliparous female is able to feed babies with milk.

  11. In case of danger, females hide, males remain on the “barricades”.

  12. Meerkats hide in deep holes they dig themselves. They also live in such minks. Although there are more than a thousand holes in a certain territory, the animals know very well where they are.

  13. Meerkats feed on insects, scorpions, lizards, and snakes are also used. And the poison for the mongoose is not terrible.

  14. Africans even tame meerkats and use them to fight snakes, scorpions, rodents, and small predators.

  15. The life expectancy of animals in nature is from three to six years, and in captivity meerkats live for more than 10 years.

Photo: pixabay.comYou might also be interested in: Whales stop singing when ships pass by«

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