Nymphoides Écano
Nymphoides Ezano, scientific name Nymphoides ezannoi. Named after the French naturalist Pere Ezanno. The natural habitat extends along the tropical belt of North Africa from Senegal to Sudan. The plant is found in periodically drying up reservoirs with stagnant water.
This small floating plant forms small rounded leaves 5-10 cm in diameter, collected in a rosette and turning into a short rhizome. Although the main plant mass is kept on the surface, nevertheless, Nymphoides Etsano is fixed to the ground with a long main shoot, reaching a length of up to 80 cm. Under favorable conditions, it actively blooms with small white flowers up to 5 cm in size. Young shoots are at first in a submerged state, but as they grow, they float to the surface.
One of the common maintenance techniques is the regular pruning of mature leaves, due to which the plant is preserved in the juvenile stage in the form of small rooting sprouts.
When placed in an aquarium, it is worth remembering that when floating leaves grow deep into the water, very little light will flow, which is detrimental to light-loving plants growing at the bottom.
Growing is fairly simple. For healthy growth, it is enough to provide warm water, soft nutrient soil and a high level of lighting. The hydrochemical composition of water is not significant.