Nymphea brindle
Nymphaea tiger or Tiger lotus, scientific name Nymphaea lotus, belongs to the group of water lilies. Widely distributed in Africa in the tropical and subtropical zone, it was later brought to America, where it took root perfectly. One of the oldest cultivated plants, known since ancient Egypt as the “White Lotus”.
It is a floating plant with large leaves and beautiful white flowers. Long petioles stretch to the bottom and gather at the base, turning into roots with a massive tuber.
Able to grow completely submerged in water. In this case, a small bush is formed from the leaves. Leaf blade oval or
The tiger lotus is considered an unpretentious plant, it can be used not only in aquariums, but also in ponds in the summer, provided that the water temperature does not fall below 15 ° C. Prefers moderate or bright lighting, soft slightly acidic water. The ground is soft. When grown in a mature aquarium with fish, additional mineral supplements are usually not required.