Nigerian shrimp
The Nigerian swimming shrimp (Desmocaris trispinosa) belongs to the Desmocarididae family. The outcome of the name becomes clear their special way of movement, they not only walk along the bottom, but swim. Such an interesting behavior, coupled with a simple content, determined the success of these shrimps in home aquariums.
Nigerian shrimp
Nigerian shrimp, scientific name Desmocaris trispinosa, belong to the family Desmocarididae
Nigerian floating shrimp
Nigerian swimming shrimp, scientific name Desmocaris trispinosa
Maintenance and care
Unpretentious and hardy, possible neighborhood with peaceful, not large fish. In the design, it is desirable to use areas with dense vegetation in combination with free places for swimming, as well as some shelters. Nigerian shrimp prefer a stable water composition – soft, slightly acidic. There must be no current in the aquarium, otherwise they will not be able to swim. Breeding is also quite simple, as the juveniles are already fully formed and large. It is worth remembering that the offspring are potential fish food, so they should be carefully planted in a separate tank until they grow up.
When kept together with fish, separate feeding is not required, shrimp will pick up uneaten food debris, various organic matter and algae.
General hardness – 6–9°dGH
Value pH — 6.0–7.5
Temperature — 25–29°С