Natural nutrition or specialized dog food

Natural nutrition or specialized dog food

Natural nutrition or specialized dog food

Proper nutrition is the key to the health of any creature. This also applies to dogs. But what kind of food is better to give to a pet: natural or specialized?

Natural food

Natural for dogs does not mean food from the owner’s table. To feed your pet properly, you need to carefully choose products, cook for him separately and best of all for a couple. Therefore, it is worth evaluating in advance if the household has time to cook food for themselves and for the dog at the same time. Otherwise, there is a risk of spoiling the animal’s diet, because even a four-legged friend is not always enough for one meal a day.

The dog’s diet when eating natural food should include lean meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals. It is necessary to consult with a veterinarian whether it is possible to give the pet raw meat or whether it should be boiled. This decision depends on the health and age of the animal.

It is important that there are restrictions in the diet of dogs. First of all, four-legged pets should not eat salty and fatty sausages, fried foods, chocolate, smoked and spicy dishes. You should not offer your dog legumes, such as peas or beans, pastries, and tubular bones.

Natural nutrition for dogs is a fairly large investment of both time and money. It is believed that buying specialized feed is more expensive than meat and vegetables, but if you compare the cost, it turns out that this is not at all the case.

Specialized feed

A large number of offers on the market and the recommendations of veterinary specialists speak in favor of the finished feed. Now many companies that produce specialized dog food offer balanced diets that are suitable for a pet with any health conditions and a certain lifestyle. High-quality food is well balanced, which is very difficult to achieve with natural nutrition.

The premium food already includes the necessary vitamins and minerals that are needed to maintain the health of pets. The composition of the food is specially formulated taking into account the characteristics and diversity of dogs, and it includes essential fatty acids and amino acids. Puppy food also contains an increased amount of calcium, which is important for their full development.

Ready-made diets of expensive brands are natural ingredients, no dyes and preservatives. The list can be checked on the packaging: it indicates what exactly is included in the composition, in what quantity, where and how meat and cereals are grown. There is now a large selection of organic feed on the market: all products are carefully checked for compliance with the standards of veterinary associations. Such feed does not contain GMOs and various chemicals.

Is it possible to mix types of food

Experts do not recommend mixing specialized food and natural food: the animal’s diet should be balanced and harmonious. When choosing what is better to feed a dog, food or natural, it is necessary to study the recommendations of cynologists and veterinarians. Do not rely on the opinions of neighbors or friends, unless they are veterinary specialists.

To check whether the chosen diet is suitable for a pet, you need to carefully monitor it. If the dog eats food without pleasure, she started having problems with the stool – this is a reason to immediately contact the veterinarian for advice. Probably the chosen diet is not suitable.

It is best if the type of food is recommended by a specialist, based on the state of health of the animal. Proper and balanced nutrition is the key to a long life of your beloved pet.

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