narrow-leaved fern
Thai narrow-leaved fern is the collective name for several ornamental varieties of Thai fern (Microsorum pteropus) with narrow long leaves.
In Europe, under this name, the Narrow variety, bred in the nurseries of Tropica (Denmark), is usually supplied. This variety develops elongated, ribbon-like leaves of a light green hue, 20 to 30 cm long and 1 to 2 cm wide.
In Asia, another variety is most common – “Taiwan”. The leaflets are narrower than those of “Narrow”, about 3-5 mm wide, and longer – 30-45 cm. The Asian variety “Needle Leaf” also has a similar shape, which can only be distinguished by the presence of brown villi on the axial central vein.
All of these varieties have inherited amazing hardiness and unpretentiousness to the external environment from the classic Thai fern. They are able to grow successfully both in lighted warm aquariums and in relatively cool open ponds, provided that the water temperature does not fall below + 4 ° C.
Roots on any rough surfaces, such as driftwood and stones. It is not recommended to place directly on the ground. The roots immersed in the substrate quickly rot.