Names for guinea pigs boys and girls, how to choose the right nickname
Choosing a name for a pet is an important, responsible and exciting event. Thanks to the nickname, the animal reacts to the owner, learns tricks, which pleases the household and their friends. Let’s look at some tips for making the right choice and avoiding mistakes, as well as tell you how to name a guinea pig, giving appropriate examples.
Basic recommendations for choosing a name
Before giving a name to a pet, carefully examine it and play associations.
The color palette
Start from the shade of the coat and the location of the spots in the existing color.
All pigs are different, so someone will be quiet, and someone will demonstrate all the quirks of the energizer.
Personal preferences
Observe taste preferences and behavior while playing with the offered toys.
IMPORTANT! The guinea pig must approve of its name in order to respond to commands during training. If the animal does not show a reaction to the proposed options, then try alternative ones until you get his attention. If the nickname is good, then the pet will stretch out in a column, strain its ears and antennae, looking towards the owner.
When choosing a nickname, remember that you can not:
- choose too long and intricate names. More precisely, this can be done, but only as a presentation in front of the guests. In normal times, the animal should be called by an abbreviated name. Otherwise, the pig will not be able to remember its name;
- use the same nicknames for several pets. It’s so easy to confuse yourself and the pigs. In this case, you can not even remember about training, because rodents will not understand when they are being addressed and will not be able to execute commands correctly.
If it is still difficult to make an independent choice, then do not rack your brains. Consider some of the most popular and interesting options, starting from the above recommendations and try to help with the right choice.
Nicknames for different breeds
Handsome coronets with long hair and a “crown” will suit stately names that emphasize their presentable appearance.
Royal names
Richard or Elizabeth will indicate a lion heart, a strong character and determination in achieving the goal.
Philosophers and sages
The funny look of the coronet reminds of a wise elder, ready to tell about the secrets of the universe and open the veil of being. Remember the school course of Ancient Greece by choosing Socrates, Plato or Aristotle, or pay tribute to magic and sorcery by choosing Merlin, Hottabych or Gandalf.
For the good old classics, you can not get creative by naming a pet Fluffy or Piggy. For hairless breeds that need a permanent body, you can choose funny names: Merzlyak, Lysik, Hippo. Rosette pigs, which have a bizarre tousled look, will suit Shaggy or Ratty.
American guinea pigs are the most common breed that does not have any unique differences. For them, it is better to build on color and character:
- Blackie;
- Turbo;
- Toffee;
- Silent;
- Shustrik;
- Vanilla;
- Slowey.
IMPORTANT! All pigs are divided into 3 large groups: long-haired, short-haired and hairless. Play on this difference by trying to highlight the distinctive features of a particular breed.
How to name a guinea pig girl
The names for girls’ guinea pigs are difficult to fit in 1 article, since everything depends on fantasy, and, as you know, it is limitless. The easiest option for female names is to choose one of the letters of the alphabet:
- A – Alice;
- B – Bead;
- B – Wendy;
- G – Gerda;
- D – Dymka;
- E – Eve;
- F – Chewing gum;
- Z – Zelda;
- I – Irvi;
- K – Karma;
- L – Weasel;
- M – Masya;
- N – Nora;
- O – Omega;
- P – Pawn;
- R – Reshka;
- C – Silva;
- T – Trixie;
- U – Uinni;
- F – Fanya;
- X – Hochma;
- Ts – Zest;
- Ch – Chursi;
- Sh – Sheltie;
- E – Annie;
- Yu – Jung;
- I am Yasmy.
As you can see, the choice is rich even in the list conditions with one option for each letter. In addition to the alphabet, you can refer to other categories:
For snow-white girls, Snowflake or Pearl is suitable, for black ones – Panther or Night, for red ones – Squirrel or Orange, and for sandy ones – Straw or Cookie.
Eternally bustling little hard workers can be christened in honor of the famous bee Maya, and a sweet lover of sleep – Sonya.
A tiny female can be called Tiny or Baby, and a large one – Bomb or Dam.
Here you can choose not only the animal’s favorite food, but also your own: Fish, Marshmallow, Strawberry, Kiwi, Curry, Pastille, Marmalade and others.
You can also resort to celebrities, christening the pet with the name of your favorite characters from the series or movie: Hermione, Arwen, Marple, Cersei.
Choose a name for a girl’s guinea pig based on her individual characteristics. The animal will be grateful to the beautiful and euphonious name, and friends will be amazed by the courage and creativity of the owner.
How to name a guinea pig boy
Names for guinea pigs boys are chosen by analogy with the female representatives. Choose letters of the alphabet:
- A – Alex;
- B – Beads;
- B – Raven;
- G – Hamlet;
- D – Smoke;
- E – Evgesha;
- Zh – Zhora;
- Z – Zoltan;
- I – Irwin;
- K – Kermit;
- L – Laurel;
- M – Marley;
- N – Norman;
- O – Orpheus;
- P – Parsley;
- R – Roulette;
- C – Solomon;
- T – Tosa;
- U – Wilfred;
- F – Filka;
- X – Khrumchik;
- C – Citrus;
- Ch – Chunya;
- Sh – Shervouj;
- E – Edgar;
- Yu – Yuppi;
- I am Yarik.
A black boy can be called Coal or Black, a white one – Snowball or Plombir, a red one – Konopatik or Sunshine, and a gray one – Gray or Cardinal.
Krosh or Gnome is suitable for small animals, and Atlas or Zeus is suitable for large animals.
Call the plump and lazy animal Pukhley, and the cheerful conqueror and conqueror of the established labyrinths – Caesar.
You can choose your favorite brand of chocolate bar by naming the pig Snickers or Mars.
When choosing a name for a boy’s guinea pig, remember your hobbies and pick up something cool:
- programming – Bug, Compiler;
- drawing – Stroke, Easel;
- music – Mediator, Tom-Tom;
- sports – Gainer, Protein;
- dances – Polka, Rumba.
Fans of computer games can also roam. Terrible and bold males will suit the name Herold or Illidan. You can, and vice versa, not chase after similarity, but call the funny quiet Creeper or Enderman.
You can pick up simpler options, humanizing the fluffy male representative. Add your last name, and from the first name make a patronymic, getting Ivanov Georgy Valentinovich. In this case, shorten the nickname to Zhora so that the pet quickly remembers it and always responds.
Paired names can be used by owners of 2 guinea pigs. When choosing nicknames, start from all the same categories.
The most popular Black and White variant, showing color opposites. In nicknames, Japanese words are also gaining momentum, so you can christen the pets of Kuro and Shiro.
Here you can use the English version of Big and Mini, or you can use the Japanese version – Yakuru and Chibi. It all depends on language proficiency, so some translations can sound very unusual.
Play on opposites: Shy and Insolent, Picky and Goody.
With two Twix sticks, the idea will not work, but as a nickname for one pet, the option is not bad. Milky and Kokhi (coffee with milk), Apple and Cinnamon (the famous apple pie with cinnamon) are suitable here.
Famous characters from movies and TV series
Here, choose your favorite works of cinema and talented animators:
- films – Harry and Ginny, Luke and Leia, Jack and Rose, Kili and Tauriel;
- series – Aegon and Daenerys, Xena and Hercules, Mike and Dinah, Chandler and Monica;
- animated series – Finn and Bubblegum, Dipper and Mabel, Homer and Marge, Fry and Leela;
- anime – Naruto and Sakura, Usagi and Mamoru, Light and Misa, Shinji and Asuka.
When choosing a name for a pet, do not look at others. Only by independent efforts can you come up with the best and most unusual nicknames that evoke funny associations and pleasant memories in the family circle.
IMPORTANT! Don’t forget about the participation of children. Little family members are always full of ideas, so their options are very difficult to outdo.
Nicknames for guinea pigs are a real flight of fancy, allowing you to get creative and choose a valuable and meaningful association for a particular person. Having met a rodent living with a Warcraft lover, do not be surprised at the simplicity of the name “Morra”. It is highly likely that this is a short version of the famous Frostmourne runeblade.
Video: choosing a name for a guinea pig
How to name a guinea pig: a list of names for boys and girls
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