Naiad of Guadalupe
Naiad (Nayas) Guadalupe, scientific name Najas guadalupensis. In nature, it is widely distributed in the waters of Central and South America, in the Caribbean. It is found in freshwater lakes and swamps with stagnant water.
The genus Najas includes several species. Almost all of them are very similar to each other and on sale one species is often sold under a different name. Such confusion does not lead to any problems, since the conditions for growth are the same for everyone. Naiads have a thin and rather fragile stem that breaks easily at the point where the leaves grow. If this happens, then two new plants are obtained. Light green leaves are thin and narrow, up to 2 cm long. The stem can reach up to 60 cm.
The English name of this plant – “Guppy grass” reflects its unpretentiousness. Naiad Guadalupe grows well in a very wide range of temperatures and values of hydrochemical parameters, is not demanding on the level of illumination and does not need additional fertilizers and other nutrients. Due to its unpretentiousness and ability to form dense floating thickets, this plant is often used in breeding areas for fish and invertebrates (snails, shrimps). It is worth noting that its high growth rate is often the reason for the rapid overgrowth of the aquarium.