Moulting in red-eared turtles: the shell exfoliates, the skin on the neck and paws peels off and peels off
Turtles, which differ from classic fluffy pets, often surprise owners with their features. Such unusual processes include molting, which frightens beginners with unusual symptoms.
The essence and main features of turtle molting
Molting in turtles is a natural process that does not depend on the season, so reptiles molt both in summer and in winter. The frequency of molting is influenced by the environment, which is determined by the care and maintenance of the animal.
During molting, the turtle’s shell may flake off. Detachment is explained by the active growth of the body, which is ahead of the growth of the shell, and has the following features:
- It is noted only in young individuals. In young reptiles, the entire film that connects the skin to the shell plates peels off. They shed their skin and change their shell about 2 times every month.
Natural molt in a juvenile - Теряет частоту и интенсивность при взрослении. С возрастом у питомца отслаиваются только отдельные пластины и небольшие участки кожи. Более интенсивное отслоение – повод для беспокойства. Если панцирь облазит у взрослой черепахи старше 2 лет – бейте тревогу. В этом случае причиной является патология, так как рост тела к этому моменту завершается.
In an adult, molting of the entire shell is a manifestation of pathology
IMPORTANT! When keeping an aquatic turtle, land walks, which slow down the process of molting, should not be abused. Prolonged landfalls upset the balance between moisture and dryness of the shell.
The intensity of molting depends on the type of reptile:
- Moulting in land turtles is weakly expressed. In these reptiles, only the skin exfoliates, so they do not shed the shell.
Moulting in a land turtle - Moulting in red-eared turtles affects all areas of the body. Rags form on the neck and limbs, and dead shell scales fall off on the back.
Shell detachment
ВАЖНО! Если кожа облезает слишком сильно и покрывается белесой пленкой, то проблему можно решить несколькими каплями синьки, добавленными в воду акватеррарирума. Приобрести препарат можно в любой аптеке.
Video: what does a molt look like in a red-eared turtle
Video: what does a molt look like in a land turtle
Detailed instructions for the owner of a molting turtle
Домашние животные, растущие вне дикой природы, зависимы от своих хозяев и тяжелее проходят через естественные процессы. It is important for reptile owners to follow the recommendations to facilitate the molting process and avoid possible troubles.
- Vitaminize your diet. Для роста черепахе нужен кальций, поэтому скармливайте ей мелких ракообразных и небольших рыбок прямо с костями, с легкостью перемалываемыми крепкими челюстями черепахи. По поводу витаминов обязательно проконсультируйтесь с ветеринаром, чтобы исключить передозировки.
- Keep your terrarium clean. Если у красноухой черепахи слазит кожа, то ее частицы загрязняют воду и запускают процесс гниения. Патогенная микрофлора повышает риск вирусной инфекции, поэтому важно вовремя убирать частички облезшей шкуры и позаботиться о качественной фильтрации.
- Moisturize your skin. Lubricate the rags on the paws and neck with a non-greasy cream or lavender balm, sold at the pharmacy. Remember that you can not lubricate the shell and use the cream for more than 5 days in a row. On day 6, take a break and apply the cream with a break of 1 day.
- Arrange bathing. When the scales on the shell move away from the turtle, dirt containing pathogenic microorganisms is clogged under them. You can bathe a pet no more than 2 times per molt. For this:
- Приобретите небольшую емкость с невысоким бортиком, исключающим полное погружение черепахи.
- Fill it with warm water and dissolve baking soda in it (1 tsp of soda per 1 liter of water).
- place the reptile in the water, leaving its head on the surface to breathe.
- detect 20 minutes and get the pet outside.
- подождите пока панцирь подсохнет и промокните остатки влаги мягкой тканью.
IMPORTANT! Do not use oils and balms to lubricate the shell. They fill the pores, causing a violation of air exchange and the development of the fungus. Fatty products are only suitable for moisturizing the skin.
- Try speeding up the process. Help your red-eared turtle to shed faster by smearing chamomile decoction on its shell. Lubricated scales quickly dry out in the open air and fall off on their own without additional help.
- Don’t Help a Turtle Remove Skin Without a Good Reason. Help is needed if the dead skin does not peel off for a long time, and the pet injures itself in an attempt to get rid of it. When removing, follow these steps:
- Get a soft bristle toothbrush. Hard bristles can injure and frighten the reptile.
- Gently peel off the thin plates of the shell, performing light massage movements. Perform all actions smoothly, avoiding excessive pressure.
IMPORTANT! White streaks on the shell of a turtle, formed by hard water, can be removed with lemon juice. To avoid a repeat of the situation, use water that has passed through filters.
Pathological causes similar to molting and therapeutic measures to eliminate them
After growing up, red-eared and land turtles do not molt, so the reason always lies in the pathology. If the reptile is still young, then pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. When the disease is usually observed:
- decreased activity;
- loss of appetite;
- itching;
- инфекционные поражения (насморк, конъюнктивит);
- нарушение работы органов ЖКТ.
With such signs, the animal should be shown to the doctor, since ignoring the problem can be fatal.
ВАЖНО! Панцирь может шелушится из-за травмы или ожога. В этом случае щитки становятся мягкими, из щелей вытекает кровь и исходит неприятный гнилой запах. Для избежания инфекции питомца требуется срочно показать врачу, определяющему характер антибактериальной терапии.

The cause of peeling may lie in poor content. With poor-quality cleaning, the water in the pool is polluted and covered with algae, passing to the shell shields. Attacked by overgrown plants, the shell exfoliates and falls off. To help the turtle, apply Lugol’s solution with glycerin or 1% copper sulfate solution to her shell.
IMPORTANT! Do not keep the aquaterrarium in direct sunlight. An abundance of light is the best nutrition for algae.
Among the main diseases that resemble the process of molting, there are:
- rickets;
- mycosis;
- avita or hypovitaminosis.
Consider them in more detail.
With the development of rickets in a sick animal:
- искривляется панцирь и наблюдается отслаивание отдельных щитков;
- swelling of the eyeballs, which leads to complete closure of the eyes;
- нарушается аппетит из-за искривленных челюстей, мешающих поглощать пищу.

Because of the symptoms, the tortoise may die due to exhaustion. At the first sign of illness, the pet should be taken to the veterinary clinic in order to make a diagnosis and receive recommendations for treatment.
IMPORTANT! Therapy for rickets is individual. Self-treatment can aggravate the situation.

Fungal diseases affect reptiles with a weakened immune system due to:
- recent hibernation;
- low temperature in the terrarium;
- некачественным рационом;
- transferred infections;
- dirty water.
IMPORTANT! Fungi are the main enemies of aquatic reptiles. Land tortoises are less likely to become infected with them.
With mycosis in a turtle:
- exfoliates and sheds the skin;
- white spots appear on the shell, easily cleaned with a cotton swab;
- there is severe scabies;
- образуются прыщи и набухания на коже, перерастающие в язвы из-за расчесывания.
Больному животному необходимо изменить условия содержания, повысив частоту уборки террариума. Для выбора медикаментов следует проконсультироваться с ветеринаром. Список основных препаратов представлен:
- Lamisil;
- Baytril;
- Nizoral;
- Betadine.
To improve the condition, irradiation with a UV lamp and taking multivitamins is also recommended.
Avita or hypovitaminosis
The main vitamins needed for good reptile health include:
- calcium responsible for bone tissue;
- vitamin D3, which regulates the functioning of the immune system and endocrine glands;
- vitamin A, which slows down the aging process and stimulates the growth of new cells.

При скудном рационе и недостатке витаминов у черепахи:
- the skin begins to peel off;
- shell shields peel off;
- появляется ринит и блефарит;
- loss of appetite;
- отмечается деформация лап;
- the intestine falls out of the anus;
- mucous eyes redden;
- bite changes;
- the stool is broken;
- it is difficult to lift on the limbs due to the increased fragility of the bones.

Для восстановления здоровья проконсультируйтесь с ветеринаром и составьте индивидуальный рацион, учитывающий особенности питомца.
Molting is characteristic of all turtles and does not pose a danger to others. When a new pet arrives, carefully monitor its growth and follow the recommendations above. Remember that the health of an animal is a big responsibility that rests on the shoulders of its owner.
To avoid unpleasant consequences, do not forget about prevention:
- Keep clean. A clean and spacious house will protect the reptile from hostile microorganisms.
- Don’t skimp on your diet. Keep track of the balance of incoming vitamins.
- Be carefull. If in doubt, seek help from a veterinarian. Early diagnosis will help prevent complications and put the turtle on all four legs faster.
How red-eared and tortoises molt
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