Moencausia Collet
Moenkhausia Collet, scientific name Moenkhausia collettii, belongs to the Characidae family. Exported to Europe as an aquarium fish in the early 2000s. It is relatively easy to maintain and has similar requirements as other types of tetras.
The fish is native to South America, where it inhabits the vast Amazon basin, as well as the Orinoco. It occurs mainly in small rivers and streams with sandy substrates, the bottom of which is covered with a layer of fallen leaves, tree branches, various snags and other plant organic matter. Aquatic plants are usually absent. The water has a rich brown (tea) color due to high concentrations of tannins.
Brief information:
- The volume of the aquarium – from 50 liters.
- Temperature – 22-26°C
- Value pH — 5.5–7.0
- Water hardness – soft (1–12 dH)
- Substrate type – sandy
- Lighting – subdued
- Brackish water – no
- Water movement is weak
- The size of the fish is about 4-5 cm.
- Feeding – any food of suitable size
- Temperament – peaceful
- Keeping in a flock of 5-6 individuals
In view of the wide natural habitat, there are several geographical forms that differ somewhat from each other in body color. The most popular for sale is a population with a bright golden body with a metallic sheen, a red tail and orange fins. The head is large with large eyes that help to find food in low light conditions (due to dark water). Adult individuals reach a length of about 4–5 cm. Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed. Females, unlike males, may appear somewhat larger, which is most clearly manifested during the spawning period.
Maintenance and care, arrangement of the aquarium
For a flock of 5-6 fish, you will need an aquarium with a volume of 50-60 liters. It is advisable to purchase a tank where the length will be greater than the height in order to provide enough space for swimming. The design uses elements typical of the natural habitat – sandy soil, several natural snags and floating plants with long hanging roots. Such plants will be useful for shading the aquarium, and the roots will serve as a place for spawning.
With the long-term maintenance of Moencausia Collet, it is important to maintain low values of hydrochemical indicators, timely remove organic waste (feed residues, excrement), and replace part of the water with fresh water.
Fish do not tolerate strong and even moderate currents, so you should carefully consider the choice of a filtration system – the main source of water movement.
The fish presented for sale, if grown in aquariums, accept most popular foods in dry, frozen and live form.
Behavior and Compatibility
Peaceful schooling fish, it is recommended to purchase a group of 5 individuals. They get along well with other Amazonian Tetra species, peaceful American cichlids and other non-aggressive species of comparable size.
Fish diseases
Sensitive to water quality and composition. With prolonged content in hard alkaline water, metabolic disturbances can occur, which have fatal consequences. Poor water quality (the presence of organic pollution) also has a bad effect on immunity. In case of detection of the first signs of the disease, first of all it is worth checking the water, if necessary, bring all the indicators back to normal. If symptoms persist, start medical treatment. For more information on symptoms and treatments, see the Aquarium Fish Diseases section.