Maria and Chuck Berry
He appeared on the street as if out of nowhere…
After we took him to curatorship, the main problem came to light, I guess, because of it, the dog ended up on the street … He howled, barked, and made noise almost non-stop. So he got a talking name, and we have a dog that, it seemed, could not be arranged in a new family …
But we were very lucky with the overexposure. The temporary family, and especially my mother, turned out to be an amazingly patient person. In the few months that Chuck lived in a temporary home, he changed dramatically. But it still required some attention.
When it came time to look for a permanent, new home for him, Maria found us. I really liked her approach. It was evident that a man chooses his friend without fuss. Calmly and weighing strength. Maria has two children in her family. But, going to meet Chuck, Maria and her husband came without children. We are so often faced with a situation where people ask for a dog for children as a toy that this approach was respected.
After we met, the family thought for a few more days and, only after evaluating everything, made a decision. I remember how we brought him to a new house, how he immediately began to run around the apartment, play with the children. It became immediately clear – Chuck Berry is at home! We communicate with Masha, keep in touch. There were difficulties, where without them. But they managed everything. The main thing is still desire!
The photos were taken by Tatyana Prokopchik especially for the project “Two legs, four paws, one heart”.