Aquarium Fish Species


Lalius, scientific name Trichogaster lalius, belongs to the Osphronemidae family. For many years it has been one of the most popular aquarium species due to its bright coloration and unpretentiousness, and its modest size allows it to be kept even in small aquariums. Suitable for aquarists with any experience, including beginners as a first fish.



Первоначальный ареал обитания был сосредоточен в Южной Азии на территории современных Пакистана, Индии и Бангладеша, но за последние полвека, во многом случайно, благодаря аквариумистам и заводчикам проникли в Юго-Восточную Азию и Америку.

They live in water systems with a weak current and dense vegetation – wetlands, channels, streams, rice fields, irrigation canals and other flooded farmlands. In nature, they feed on small invertebrates and algae.


A small, somewhat laterally compressed body, rounded fins, large in comparison with other gourami breeds. The pectoral fins have evolved into thin filaments with sensitive sensors that fish use to study the world around them. The color is dominated by alternating small vertical stripes from bluish-green to orange or reddish. The fins have the same set of colors, but instead of stripes, a bitmap. In males, in the presence of females, the colors become saturated, and the belly acquires a rich purple hue.


In the home aquarium, all types of dry industrial food (flakes, granules, tablets) are accepted with pleasure. There are special feeds for gourami, taking into account all the needs of fish in vitamins and trace elements.

Maintenance and care

Для пары рыб достаточно небольшого аквариума от 40 литров. Наличие крышки желательно, под ней образуется прослойка воздуха с повышенной влажностью и температурой выше комнатной, это снижает к минимуму возможные проблемы с лабиринтным органом рыб, с помощью которого они заглатывают атмосферный воздух. Набор минимально необходимого оборудования выглядит следующим образом: система освещения, аэратор, обогреватель, производительный фильтр. Установите фильтр таким образом, чтобы он создавал как можно меньшее движение воды, например, повернув выпускные коллекторы в сторону стекла, для разбиения потока воды. Обеспечению высокого качества воды способствует её еженедельное обновление на четверть от общего объёма.

В оформлении наличие укрытий обязательно, не маловажное значение имеют и группы растений, расположенных повсеместно по всей площади грунта. Всё это формирует чувство безопасности, иначе у рыб развивается застенчивость, пугливость. Грунт любой по фактуре, желательно тёмный, это усилит окраску рыб.

Social behavior

Compatible with many fish of similar size and temperament, such as various types of Rasbor, Corydoras catfish, some slow carps, should be avoided with Barbs and the like, which are prone to biting the fins of other fish, as well as with large, active or aggressive species.

Lyalius has a clear internal hierarchy, where the strongest male dominates, and not only males, but also females are subordinate. In a small aquarium, weaker fish will be constantly attacked, unable to hide, in a large aquarium (from 100 liters), this situation is not so acute. Optimally single content in a small tank, or harem in a large one.

Breeding / breeding

Successful breeding is possible only in a separate tank, it is safe not only for fry that can be eaten in a common aquarium, but also for other fish that may suffer from the male Lyalius, who fiercely guards the masonry. A spawning aquarium from 20 liters is quite sufficient, the water must match the parameters in both containers. The set of equipment is standard: lighting system, aerator, heater, simple sponge filter. In the design, root and floating plants with small leaves are required.

The incentive for spawning is enhanced nutrition with meat products, bloodworms, insect larvae or frozen food should be added to the daily portion, under favorable conditions, the female begins to fill with caviar, from which her abdomen swells noticeably, at this time she is transplanted into a separate tank, the male settles only on second third day. All movements are recommended to be done in the dark to reduce stress for the fish.

Пока самка наполняется икрой самец приступает к постройке гнезда на поверхности воды. Лялиус подходит к делу более основательно. В ход идут не только пузырьки воздуха, но и различный аквариумный мусор (мелкие веточки, кусочки листьев, корни и т. д.). По окончании строительства начинаются брачные ухаживания, самец плавает вокруг избранницы, приглашая её к гнезду, прикасается к ней ртом.

The female lays up to 800 eggs, after spawning, she should be immediately transplanted back into the general aquarium. The male stays near the nest to guard the masonry, at this time he becomes very aggressive, even towards the female. The fry appear during the day, and already on the third day they begin to swim freely, which means it’s time for the male to leave the spawning aquarium.


In favorable conditions, diseases are not a problem, the immunity of the fish copes well with possible infections. In recent years, fish infected with iridovirus DGIV have become commercially available, and symptoms include lethargic behavior, darkening of color, and swelling. Infected fish die within a year and there is no cure. The main danger is that the virus spreads in water and can be transmitted to fish of the Poeciliidae family (Guppies, Swordtails, Mollies).

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