Ludwigia sedioides
Ludwigia sedioides, scientific name Ludwigia sedoides. The plant is native to Central and South America. It grows on the surface of stagnant swampy reservoirs and in sections of rivers with a slow flow, backwaters.
It has an unusual structure. Underwater stems with a powerful root system serve as an anchor for a lush “floating island”, consisting of many diamond-shaped leaves, radiating symmetrically from the center. For a similar feature in English-speaking countries, this species was nicknamed the “Mosaic Plant”.
Demanding on growth conditions. Ludwigia sedioides needs very bright light, including direct sunlight, and nutrient-rich soil. In favorable conditions, it can grow on the surface by more than 50 cm in diameter. Rarely used in aquariums, mainly in open water, ponds. Able to grow successfully in temperate climates during the warm months.
Propagation is carried out by separating the floating rosette, on which a piece of the stem should remain, and its subsequent placement in shallow water. Soon, new roots will appear on the rest of the stem.