Loss of coordination in cats
Yes, of course, kittens, like any kids, are clumsy for some time, but it passes quickly enough, and they easily figure out how to jump from the back of the sofa to the table, standing half a meter away. And it is all the more terrible to see a cat whose legs are tangled, which cannot even sit upright. What causes a violation of coordination of movements in a fluffy pet?
Types and causes of ataxia
Incoordination of movements – ataxia – is most often associated with damage to the nervous system of cats and usually does not affect the intelligence. The cat understands you perfectly, but cannot move as before – easily and freely.

One of the most common causes of uncoordinated movements is an infectious disease – panleukopenia. The infection affects pregnant cats especially terribly, causing disorders in the cerebellum in unborn kittens. Such babies, having been born, are unlikely to be able to fully control their body. This type of ataxia can also occur in an adult cat as a result of injuries when it is the cerebellum that is damaged.
For cerebellar ataxia, in addition to impaired coordination of movements, involuntary trembling during movement, the so-called tremor, is also characteristic. There are other ataxias – vestibular and spinal. Vestibular ataxia is associated with a violation of the structure of the inner ear, which can cause otitis media and tumors. And the spinal cord is caused by hernia, inflammation, tumors and injuries.
Prevention and treatment
Owners need to remember that in case of any violation of coordination in a cat, it must be urgently shown to a veterinarian in order to promptly begin treatment. However, the discoordination of movements, which is painful for animals, is not always treatable. It is always better to prevent problems in the first place than to deal with their consequences for a long, expensive and without any guarantee.
Prevention measures include mandatory vaccination of cats against viral diseases (panleukopenia, rhinovirus and feline leukemia virus), as well as ensuring conditions under which the cat cannot get seriously injured (for example, opening windows for ventilation, which eliminates the risk of falling). Owners of pregnant cats should avoid contact with other animals to reduce the risk of infection and the birth of sick kittens. It is also necessary to correct and timely treatment of otitis media and emergency hospitalization of cats in case of suspected head or back injury.

Any suspicion that your cat is having coordination problems requires an immediate visit to the doctor. But if you are not sure if the animal is sick or just has not recovered from sleep or is playing, then you can consult a doctor without visiting the clinic. In the Petstory application, you can describe the problem and get qualified assistance (the cost of the first consultation is only 199 rubles!). By asking questions to the doctor, you can exclude the disease or get a recommendation on which specialist you should contact and how to prepare for a visit to the clinic. You can download the application from