Long haired guinea pigs
long-haired guinea pigs distinguished by a coat length of more than 15 cm on the body and more than 7 cm on the cheeks, with the exception of only some breeds. Rare wool is considered a defect.
Peruvian guinea pig (angora)
This is a rather ancient breed: Peruvian pigs “participated” in the Paris Agricultural Exhibition in the 19th century. The wool of these pigs is thin, long, flowing. Above the eyes is a long bang that covers the muzzle. Therefore, if you are looking from above, the head will not be visible. The length of the coat is more than 15 cm, and in show-class pigs – up to 50 cm. The muzzle is decorated with forward-facing, pronounced whiskers. , fine wool, rosettes on the body.
This long-haired breed of guinea pigs was bred in the UK in the 70s of the 19th century. The standard was developed in 1973. The coat is flowing, thin, long. Along the jaw – fringe. On the shoulders, the coat forms a mane directed backwards (without parting). Faults: parting in the mane, lack of fringe on the jaw, thick at the base and thin at the ends.
These are long-haired crested guinea pigs, whose hair is thin, long and falling, on the muzzle it is rather short, smooth, turning into a fringe. The coat on the shoulders is thick, falling down the sides. The mane without parting is directed back. Disadvantages: parting in the mane, small tuft, too thin coat.
Merino, Texel and Alpaca
These three breeds are curly varieties of other long-haired guinea pig breeds crossed with Rex.
Texel as a breed appeared in the 80s of the 20th century. The minimum length of wool is 12 cm, the optimal length is 18 cm, on the back there is a parting. Otherwise, they are similar to Shelties.
Alpacas are distinguished by 2 sockets at the hips, like Peruvian guinea pigs. Merino, like a coronet, has a crest on his forehead.
The coat of all 3 varieties of long-haired breeds of guinea pigs is thick, long, soft to the touch, but not just curly, but curly, with elastic curls. Young animals may have wavy coats. The older the guinea pigs, the longer the coat. It is thicker at the base, thinner at the ends. Faults: matted coat, too short, not enough curls.