long haired cats
Long-haired breeds are considered more calm and affectionate than their short-haired relatives, while they get along well with children and quickly become attached to all family members. So immediately get used to the gentle purring and warm furry friend on your lap!
History of longhaired cats
The cat was domesticated almost ten thousand years ago in the territory of the future Persia. In Europe, the first long-haired cat appeared more than four hundred years ago.
Historically, long-haired oriental beauties immediately fell under the patronage of noble people. In Italy they conquered the Pope, in France they lived at the court of Cardinal Richelieu.

In the early Middle Ages, long-haired (however, as well as short-haired) cats were treated with reverence and respect, they more than once saved Europe from hordes of rats and mice, and helped stop the plague. These beauties also lived in monasteries.
But during the Inquisition, many cats were thrown into the fire. Cats with black and red hair were especially affected.
Features of care
A beautiful fluffy fur coat in long-haired cats needs special care. Persian and Burmese cats need to be combed every day, using several types of combs with rounded and non-sharp teeth and special care products. Some other breeds, such as the Balinese cat, need brushing 2-3 times a week.
Without good care, your pet’s coat will quickly get tangled, and ugly and harmful mats will appear. Therefore, accustom the kitten to combing from the very first days of being in your house.

Soon the kitten will love this activity, and it, combined with games, will become one of your daily rituals. And in order for the coat to be shiny and long, carefully monitor the kitten’s diet. There are special foods for long-haired breeds. Cats, as you know, wash themselves – they lick their fur and at the same time swallow the hairs stuck to the tongue. You need to purchase a special tool to remove wool from the stomach and intestines. In any case, the menu of a fluffy cat should include fiber, which helps to remove hairballs, and vitamins A, E and C, which allow you to keep your pets in excellent health.
Among the long-haired cat breeds, there are common breeds and not very well-known ones. These are, in addition to those named, the British Longhair, Siberian, Himalayan and Somali cats, Turkish Angora and Van, Ragdoll and Maine Coon, Neva Masquerade and Norwegian Forest cats, as well as the Kuril Bobtail and others. Each of these animals deserves special attention, love and care of the owner, as well as a separate description.