Loaches or Loaches
Loaches are often confused with catfish, especially with Corydoras,
Fish Shistura
Pick up fish with a filter
- Acanthocobis urophthalmus
- Acanthocobitis zonalternans
- Acanthocobitis molobryo
- Acanthophthalmus
- Acanthophthalmus Myersa
- Ambastaia nigrolineata
- Amur loach
- Annamia normani
- Butterfly Loach
- Balitorid Zollinger
- bengal char
- Birmansky Golec
- Bocilia dwarf
- Bocilia clown
- Bocilia-zebra
- Bocilia-chameleon
- Bocia Berdmora
- Botsia morletti
- Botsiya marble
- Botsia Pulhra
- Botsia Tiger
- Bocia the histrionics
- Vietnamese marble char
- Vyun-Peacock
- Gangetic Loach
- Gastromizon viriosus
- Gastromison cornusacus
- Gastromyzon ctenocephalus
- Gastromyzon lepidogaster
- Gastromizon Monticola
Acanthocobis urophthalmus
Acanthocobitis zonalternans
Acanthocobitis molobryo
Acanthophthalmus Myersa
Ambastaia nigrolineata
Amur loach
Annamia normani
Butterfly Loach
Balitorid Zollinger
bengal char
Birmansky Golec
Bocilia dwarf
Bocilia clown
Bocia Berdmora
Botsia morletti
Botsiya marble
Botsia Pulhra
Botsia Tiger
Bocia the histrionics
Vietnamese marble char
Gangetic Loach
Gastromizon viriosus
Gastromison cornusacus
Gastromyzon ctenocephalus
Gastromyzon lepidogaster
Gastromizon Monticola