Limnophylla Rugosa
Limnophila rugosa, scientific name Limnophila rugosa. The natural habitat extends from South and Southeast Asia to the Pacific islands of Fiji and Samoa. It grows in damp places along the banks of rivers, lakes and other freshwater bodies of water. In Asia, among the local population, this plant is considered medicinal, it is used as food. It has only been used in the aquarium hobby since the 2000s.
In favorable conditions, Limnophila Rugosa forms dense bushes from numerous upright sprouts. In the surface position, it can grow up to 50 cm, in aquariums it is noticeably smaller. The plant forms a strong stem with lanceolate paired leaves on each whorl. The surface of the leaf blade has a special texture that reflects light, creating a sensation of glow.
Growth requires soft nutrient soil rich in trace elements, high to moderate light levels, and warm, soft, slightly acidic water. Mainly used as a background plant. Thanks to the formation of dense bushes and contrasting leaves, it has found wide application in Dutch aquariums. Propagated by side shoots, pruning is also acceptable.