Limnophila fragrant
Limnophila fragrant, the scientific name of Limnophila aromatica, is also used as a synonym for Limnophila aromaticoides. Widespread in tropical and subtropical regions
This is a well-known, but at the same time rare plant in aquariums. The thing is, under this name they mainly supply a completely different, albeit similar, species – red Limnophila (Limnophila hippuridoides). True fragrant Limnophila looks more modest than its “double”. On a long stem, 2-3 green leaves with small notches are arranged in tiers. In ornamental varieties, color may vary from
The leaves of this plant contain essential oils with a strong odor and a specific taste reminiscent of Curry. In Asia they are used in crushed form as a spice/seasoning or as herbal tea which is not uncommon in Asian stores in Europe and America. It was the spicy properties of this plant that gave it the prefix to the name “fragrant”.
A fairly demanding plant that can grow both under water and in a humid environment. The aquarium needs nutrient rich soil rich in minerals (nitrates, phosphates), bright lighting and additional introduction of carbon dioxide. Not recommended for beginner aquarists.