Limnofila raznolistnaya
Limnophila heterophylla, scientific name Limnophila heterophylla. The natural distribution area extends across the tropical and subtropical belt of Asia from Pakistan to China and the island of Borneo. It grows everywhere in streams and small rivers, lakes, swamps, ponds, as well as agricultural rice fields. In the latter case, it is considered a weed plant.
Able to grow in both air and water. In both cases it develops a tall erect stem with pinnate leaves grouped in whorls of 4 to 12. The diameter of the whorl with leaves is 5–6 cm. The distance between the nodes is variable and decreases towards the top. In a state immersed in water, they become thinner, acquire a light green color, the stem can stretch up to 50 cm.
It is considered an unpretentious plant. Limnophila heterophylla perfectly adapts to various conditions, however, it prefers soft nutrient soil and a high level of lighting. The latter is perhaps the only thing to pay special attention to. With a lack of light, the lower ones begin to turn yellow and die.
Reproduction occurs through the formation of lateral shoots, as well as by pruning. The separated part is placed in the ground, and soon it gives new roots, becoming an independent sprout.