Let’s tie the horse’s “ears”!
Let’s tie the horse’s “ears”!
Horse hats – “ears” are not only functional (they are put on in the summer so that midges do not interfere with work), but also very decorative: a horse going to work in a matching saddle cloth, bandages and ears always attracts the eye.
Of course, “ears” can be bought. But it’s much more fun to knit them yourself, especially since this way you can pick up any shade of threads and give yourself freedom to be creative.
In this article, we present the simplest knitting pattern: even a beginner can handle it. Once you get your hands on it, you can always make it harder.
So, to tie the “ears”, remember or learn the following knitting techniques:
1. Chain of air loops. Put the working thread from the ball on the index finger of your left hand and wrap it around your thumb so that its end is on top. Take the hook in your right hand and, holding the thread and its end with the rest of the fingers of your left hand, insert the hook from the bottom up into the loop on the thumb, then grab the thread from the side of your fingers with it, pull it through the loop on the thumb, at the same time freeing it from the thread, and tighten the loop slightly. So perform a chain of air loops.
2. Columns without crochet. Take the chain in your hand so that it lies horizontally in the palm of your hand. Insert the head of the hook into the third loop of the chain from the hook. Hook under the top of the loop. Grab the thread and pull it through the loop of the chain. There are two loops on the hook. Pick up the thread again and pull through these two loops. You will get the first single crochet.
3. Double crochets. In order to make a double crochet, you first need to double crochet. Just crochet the thread and leave it on the hook. And now, with this thread on the hook, wind the head of the hook into the desired (fourth from the beginning) loop, hook the thread and pull it through the loop. You will have on the hook: a new loop, yarn over, main loop. Now hook the thread and pull it through the first two loops. There will be two loops on the hook. Crochet the thread again and pull it through two loops. The double crochet is ready.
We knit the “forehead” part.
We knit with a stack: cast on 45 air loops (ch). Further:
First row: single crochet (st. b / n).
Second row: repeat the following: ch 3, skip two loops of the bottom row, tie one st in the third loop. b/n.
Rows 3-18: we knit the same “arches”. In each next row, skip the first “arch” so that their number is reduced by one. Exactly one “arch” remains in the 18th row. You have an isosceles triangle.
Row 19: on the sides of the triangle we knit the same “arches”, in a straight line – 45 loops of art. b/n. We close this fragment.
Where will we do ears ?
Tie a thread on one side on the top line (base) of the triangle and knit as follows.
Row 1: 3 tbsp. b / n, 13 v.p. (we skip 13 loops of the bottom row), 1 tbsp. s / n, ch 3, skip 2 loops of the bottom row, 1 tbsp. b / n, ch 3, skip 2 loops of the bottom row, 1 tbsp. b / n, ch 3, skip 2 loops of the bottom row, 1 tbsp. b / n, ch 3, skip 2 loops of the bottom row, 1 tbsp. s / n, ch 13, skip 13 loops of the bottom row, 3 tbsp. s / n.
Rows 2-3: Columns b / n on the first three and next 13 loops. Then the same “arches” as the mesh was previously knitted to the beginning of the second slot, b / n columns from the beginning of the ear slot to the end of the row.
4 series: A grid of “arches” over all the loops of the bottom row. 5 series: Align the rough knitting edge (sidewall) with single crochets, then knit a mesh of “arches” on the side. With a grid, go to a straight line where the ears are. On the other sidewall we knit a row of st. b / n and a row with a grid.
In conclusion, we tie the entire triangle with “arches”. We close the fragment.
The prepared “forehead” part can be decorated, for example, with tassels:
You can also use beads, beads or any other decorative elements of your choice.
We make ears.
Dial 5 vp, connect them into a ring. Next, knit in a circle: from each ch. – 2 tbsp. b/n. Then, gradually adding, knit in a circle st. s / n, until the length of the part is equal to the length of the horse’s ear with a small margin. The second “ear” is knitted in the same way. As a result, you should get two cones.
Here it is impossible not to clarify that the “ears” themselves do not have to be knitted. You can pick up any fabric (for example, with an interesting ornament) that matches the “forehead” part in tone, and sew the details of the “ears” from it.
We collect the “ears” together.
There are only a few steps left to get the finished product.
Insert the “ear” into the slot and sew or tie it to the base with single crochets. If the number of loops on the ear and in the slot matches, there will be no problems. Attach the second ear in the same way. Make a tie – a chain of air loops.
On the basis of such “ears” you can also make a wonderful decoration for the holiday, turning your four-legged friend, for example, into Santa Claus!
Alexander Kapustina.