Lemur breeding
Lemurs are animals native to Madagascar. Unfortunately, today they are on the verge of extinction, and almost all of their species are approaching this verge. Firstly, people destroy the places where they live, and secondly, they are caught and sold, as it is very profitable and popular.
Due to the fact that those lemurs that still remain in the wild and live in their homeland cannot quickly restore their numbers, their extinction occurs. Adult females bear babies for a long time, and at the same time they give birth not to a brood, in only one or two cubs.
Today it has become fashionable and prestigious to have a lemur at home. Therefore, people think about their reproduction in conditions far from natural. This means that it is quite difficult to get them to breed while in captivity, therefore it causes a lot of problems.
Keeping lemurs at home, you can put a lot of effort into getting offspring from them, but everything will be in vain, even if you follow all the rules.
Breeding exotic animals, including lemurs, is a very difficult and rather costly task. In order to do this successfully, care must be taken to recreate the natural habitat of lemurs. There are very few such places on the territory of Russia, mainly special nurseries.
The gestation period for a female lemur lasts four to six months. In order for the pregnancy to be successful, lemurs need healthy nutrition and excellent living conditions. After giving birth, babies need to be under the care of their mother for about five to seven months. As a result, it turns out that it takes a whole year to bring out one or two babies, and it also needs to be maintained accordingly.
After birth, the baby must undergo a complete examination by a veterinarian and obtain a passport.
Reproduction of lemurs is a difficult task, and those who love animals should do this business.
Only those people who treat animals well can fully take care of their lives and living conditions. In no case should they be taken as a purely acquisitive means, these animals are very sensitive, and will capture your mood and attitude towards them. The main criterion for their content is the factor of their safety. If lemurs do not feel threatened by the environment, they will not only live happily ever after, but also breed.
So, if you love animals and treat them with love and care, then it will not be difficult for you to breed lemurs.