“Launched Dryland in Samara”. Blitz interview with Anastasia Sedykh
We discuss the reality and prospects of dryland with one of the founders of a new sport with dogs in Russia.
How popular is dryland in Russia and is it worth trying this sport with a dog if there is zero experience – these and other significant questions were asked by SharPei Online editor-in-chief Daria Frolova to Anastasia Sedykh, the organizer of the Call of the Pack dryland competition.
- Anastasia, how many dryland competitions have you already held?
We have been holding competitions since 2016 and this year we already have. For the third year, we have been choosing the recreation center “Forest Fortress” in Samara for the competition. There is where to turn around.
- How many participants usually?
Last year we had 80 adult entries, 20 juniors and 35 children.
- Why do you think people start drylanding?
Everyone comes to the sport in different ways. Someone has a very active dog, and canicross and bikejoring are a great opportunity to throw out excess energy. And there are those who are very fond of an active lifestyle and specifically get a dog for sports.
- Is it possible to come to Dryland with any dog? Are there any contraindications?
Dryland started with sled dogs, but now even American Bulldogs and Miniature Pinschers take part in competitions. There is only one contraindication – health problems.
- But what if you want to learn dryland, but have zero experience? Is it possible to take some courses, work out with a trainer?
In Samara, you can contact the community of sled dogs “Samarskaya Flock”. They are constantly training and teaching those who wish. Other major cities also have similar clubs.
- Does a mutt have a chance to win a “professional” sled dog in competitions – for example, a Laika or a Samoyed?
Basically, the leading places in sledding sports are occupied by “sledding mestizos”. But the mongrels also run great and show a very decent result.
- What are “riding mestizos”?
These are mixtures of pointers, hounds and other fast dogs. In world sports, these quadrupeds have become more often used, because they have higher speed and better endurance. But any breed of dog can practice dryland. The main thing is the desire and the process itself, when the dog and the owner are passionate about one thing together!
- Do you have dogs? Do you dryland with them?
I have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Caucasian Shepherds. We love canicross, but we don’t participate in competitions. We do it for ourselves.
- What do you think, what is the use of such leisure for a dog and a person?
The benefits are huge, you can talk about it endlessly. But the main thing is the unity of the dog and the owner and excellent physical activity.
We tell and show more about the features of the equipment and possible risks and hidden opportunities in the detailed article “”