Large cat breeds
There must be many good cats! For those who share this point of view, we offer a selection of the largest cat breeds, among which you can choose your ideal pet.
Maine Coon
They try to explain the gigantic size of the native cats of the American state of Maine by the fact that they had lynxes in their genus. However, this is just a beautiful legend. In fact, the reason is natural selection. In a cold climate (and this part of the US has very severe winters), big strong cats have the greatest chance of survival and procreation. Further in the selection, you will meet several more large-sized representatives of the northern latitudes from other parts of the world.
Modern Maine Coons inherited from their ancestors not only physical characteristics (cats weigh an average of 9 kg, cats – 7), but also a proud disposition. Such a pet is devoted to its owners and will never let them offend. Earn his trust – and you will have a reliable protector. And also a wonderful friend for your children: playful Maine Coons are happy to join in all sorts of pranks and antics.
Norwegian Forest
As promised, here is another breed from a country with a far from tropical climate. Large Norwegian cats (males weigh an average of 9 kg and females 8 kg) seem even larger thanks to the unique double coat. In ancient times, a fluffy fur coat saved from frost, and now it makes its owners very pleasant for hugs. Against which guests from Scandinavia have nothing: they like tenderness and affection.
Norwegian Forest cats are not touchy, easily make new acquaintances and love to chat about this and that. For those of them who got sociable owners, only sports are not enough for complete happiness. Equip a corner at home with ladders, perches and other gymnastic equipment – and all your cat’s dreams will come true.
According to the history of this breed, it is just right to shoot an action-packed blockbuster. It has a fantastic legend about origin from secret government laboratories, and a very real long-term lawsuit between breeders’ associations. And most importantly, as a result of all these ups and downs, very unusual creatures turned out. And it’s not even about the size, although they are impressive: up to 9 and up to 7 kg for cats and cats, respectively. Ragdolls are distinguished by politeness and tact. They won’t intrude when you’re busy, but they’ll always offer their company if you’re lonely.
Delicate cats get along well with adults, children and other animals. And they can also be taught to lie relaxed, like a soft toy (hence the name of the ragdoll breed – “rag doll”), and surprise guests with this funny trick.
When our ancestors began to develop Siberia, cats also set off to settle in new territories with them. The harsh land met the settlers unfriendly, but cats are not one of those who are used to giving up. They learned to endure frosts and get food even in rivers. Their descendants are still not afraid of water and can easily splash in the bath on their own initiative.
In addition to a powerful physique (cats weigh up to 9 kg, cats – up to 7) and strong Siberian health, our heroes are distinguished by remarkable mental abilities. They like to make independent decisions and solve non-trivial tasks. Siberian cats need not only physical, but also intellectual loads: the best gift for such a pet would be an educational puzzle toy.
For dessert – the champions of our rating. Savannah cats can weigh up to 15 kg! And this is not surprising, because wild African servals are used in breeding, which are much larger than the muroks we are used to.
Breeders sought to create pets that combine the exotic appearance and temperament of domestic cats. However, the savannas still turned out to be special: in many ways, their character is similar to that of a dog. They become very attached to their owners and love leash walks.
The largest cats do not require increased attention, and care for them is the same as for their miniature relatives. The only caveat is that it is better to buy food for large breeds, which has the optimal composition and suitable granule size.