Lagenandra nairi
Lagenandra nairi, scientific name Lagenandra nairii. The homeland of this plant is the southwestern tip of the Hindustan peninsula – the territory of the Indian state of Kerala. It grows in shady places along the banks of rivers under the canopy of tropical forests. During the rainy season, it is completely submerged in water.
Known primarily as a plant for ponds, artificial lakes, however, according to numerous observations, it can be used in aquariums.
Forms large bushes from broad leaves collected in a rosette on long petioles. The leaf blade has an oval shape with a pointed tip, 15–17 cm in size, dark green in color. Reproduction occurs through the formation of a lateral process, due to which, under favorable conditions, a clearing from Lagenandra nairi is formed.
Prefers low light, can be in the shade of other plants. Any soft soil of coarse sand mixed with fine gravel. It is advisable to use special aquarium soil rich in trace elements.