Fish Kupanusa or Parosfromenus – from the name of the genus Parosphromenus, are included in the Osphronemidae family (Guramiaceae or Macropods). Most often in aquarium literature and in everyday life, it is the first name that is used, although the word “Kupanus” (Latin cupanus) itself is found in the scientific name of only one species and it would be more correct to call them Parosfromenus. However, Kupanus vulgaris was the first to appear in the aquarium trade, so all other species of this genus began to be called in the same way.
The natural habitat is limited to Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. These fish inhabit mainly peat bogs, lost among the dense tropical jungle. A typical biotope is a shallow reservoir overgrown along the banks with dense thickets of plants, the bottom of which is covered with a thick layer of fallen plant material. Leaves, branches and other driftwood in the process of decomposition release a large amount of tannins, coloring the water in a rich brown color and significantly reducing the overall carbonate hardness.
Kupanus are considered quite difficult to keep due to the need to maintain hydrochemical parameters at very low pH and dGH values and the need for a high protein diet of live and frozen foods. In addition, the modest size of the fish and their peaceful disposition greatly limit the number of compatible species.
Like other labyrinth fish, Gourami and Cockerels, Parosfromenus evolved a special organ that helps them survive in a marsh environment poor in dissolved oxygen. In its shape and structure, it resembles a labyrinth of blood vessels located in the oral cavity near the gills. Swallowing air from the surface, additional oxygen enters the bloodstream through a network of capillaries. A similar feature suggests the presence of a cover at the aquarium, which contributes to the preservation of a warm, moist layer of air above the surface of the water.
Kupanus deya
Kupanus deya, scientific name Pseudosphromenus dayi, belongs to the family Osphronemidae
Kupanus ordinary
Common cupanus, scientific name Pseudosphromenus cupanus, belongs to the family Osphronemidae
Parosfromenus Alani or Kupanus Alani, scientific name Parosphromenus allani, belongs to the family Osphronemidae
Kupanus Alfreda
Parosfromenus Alfreda or Kupanus Alfreda, scientific name Parosphromenus alfredi, belongs to the family Osphronemidae
Kupanus anjunganensis
Parosfromenus anjunganensis or Kupanus anjunganensis, scientific name Parosphromenus anjunganensis, belongs to the family Osphronemidae
Kupanus Deissner
Parosfromenus Deissner or Kupanus Deissner, scientific name Parosphromenus deissneri, belongs to the family Osphronemidae
Parosfromenus Linke or Kupanus Linke, scientific name Parosphromenus linkei, belongs to the family Osphronemidae
Kupanus fifteenth
Parosfromenus fifteenth or Kupanus fifteenth, scientific name Parosphromenus quindecim, belongs to the family Osphronemidae
Паросфроменус Твиди или Купанус Твиди, научное наименование Parosphromenus tweediei, принадлежит семейству Osphromenus
Kupanus Linke
Паросфроменус тёмный или Купанус тёмный, научное наименование Parosphromenus nagyi, принадлежит семейству Osphronemidae
Kupanus decorated
Parosphromenus ornaticauda, scientific name Parosphromenus orticauda, belongs to the family Osphronemidae
Parosfromenus Harvey or Kupanus Harvey, scientific name Parosphromenus harveyi, belongs to the family Osphronemidae