Knitting rules: where to start?
The mating of a dog occurs during its estrus – the sexual cycle. Depending on the breed and characteristics of the dog, this cycle lasts about 28 days and includes four stages.
estrus periods
- Proestrus, or forerunner. At this time, the dog’s genitals swell, dark spotting appears. The behavior of the animal changes: the dog flirts with males, wags its tail, presses its ears. However, he does not allow males for mating.
- Estrus, or directly sexual hunting. During this period, ovulation occurs. In about 60% of dogs, this is the 9-15th day of estrus, in the rest it may occur earlier or later. The bough is knitted during this period. If you touch the dog’s rump (the area of the back in front of the tail), it will assume a pose characteristic of mating – it will fall to the ground with its front paws, and will take its tail to the side. In addition, you may notice muscle contraction in your back. The discharge does not stop, but may become less intense and more transparent.
- Metestrus. The active phase of the cycle, when the corpus luteum of pregnancy is functioning, secreting the hormone progesterone. Both pregnant and non-pregnant bitches go through it.
- Anestrus, or period of sexual dormancy.
If neither you nor the pet’s partner’s owners have any animal breeding experience, you will need a breeding instructor. Amateurishness in this matter can turn out to be deplorable! They can advise a specialist in a club or in a veterinary clinic.
1 month – 2 weeks before mating
Regardless of the sex of the pet, it must be shown to the veterinarian and tested for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Make sure you have a certificate confirming the absence of hereditary diseases.
If you’re a dog owner, buy a rubberized mat that fits the dog. It will be necessary for mating. The rug will help protect the floor from secretions during the mating process, and will also become a psychological anchor – the male will know about its purpose.
1 day before mating
It is recommended to bathe the male, especially thoroughly washing the genitals. If the coat is quite thick or long in this area, cut it off. Also prepare a decontaminating antiseptic, which the veterinarian will advise for the treatment of organs after mating.
It is not recommended to bathe the bitch, so as not to wash off the smell. However, if bathing is necessary, do so no later than 5 days before mating.
On knitting day
Mating always takes place on the territory of the dog: the dog must feel confident. It is not recommended to feed him on this day, so that he does not become lazy. But you can walk it well. The same is true for the owners of the bitch. When the animals meet, do not immediately try to bring them together, let them get to know each other, play. The bitch should get to know the territory better, show her the house.
After successful mating, the male must treat the genitals with an antiseptic. Do not neglect this hygiene rule.
Two days after mating
After about a couple of days, some experts recommend re-knitting, control.
The success of mating, as a rule, depends on the owners of the dog. If you are knitting an animal for the first time, do not neglect the services of mating instructors and consultations with a veterinarian, as well as a club breeder. The health of the dog and future puppies is in your hands.
15 2017 June
Updated: July 18, 2021