Knitting of cats
At first glance, mating is a natural process for all animals, and therefore it is necessary. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Why?
The most common misconceptions
Myth № 1
Many people believe that all purebred cats can be bred. This is not true. Pedigree cats are divided into three classes: Show-class, Breed-class and Pet-class. They differ from each other in the severity of the characteristics of the breed. Show class animals that participate in exhibitions and are perfectly suitable for breeding are valued above all. Breed cats have slight deviations from the standards, but they also participate in breeding. For example, a Breed cat and a Show cat can produce excellent offspring that will improve the breed standard.
Pet class animals are pets, they cannot take part in exhibitions, as they have significant deviations from the standards. Such cats do not participate in breeding – as a rule, they are sterilized.
The breeder should tell you what class your cat belongs to and whether it is worth breeding.
It should be understood that it is recommended to knit only animals that can improve the quality of the breed.
Myth № 2
Some people think that cats don’t need spaying. But, if you do not plan to knit, think about this operation. It is widely believed among owners that a cat is able to tolerate estrus. But it is not. At home, estrus happens almost monthly (and for some, several times a month) and is accompanied by a sharp hormonal surge. Cats at this time scream a lot, roll on the floor, and cats mark their territory during sexual hunting and become more aggressive. Animals cannot control this behavior. Sterilization and castration are measures that help stop these processes.
Some owners give pets hormonal drugs to suppress the signs of estrus, but this is quite dangerous. A more gentle and safe method is sterilization.
Myth № 3
The myth is deeply rooted that a cat should give birth at least once in its life for health. And, although this is a completely natural process, it is fundamentally wrong. Pregnancy greatly depletes the body of a cat, in addition, certain risks are associated with childbirth. In some cases, cats, like humans, require a caesarean section to retrieve the kittens. If help is not provided in a timely manner, the cat may die. In addition, it is fundamentally wrong to believe that childbirth is the prevention of diseases of the reproductive tract. This is not true.
The issue of mating a pet is very important, and a decision must be made after weighing the pros and cons. If you are the owner of a fine representative of the breed, mating is justified in order to improve its standards. However, if you do not have documents for a cat or it is without a breed, then it is better to reconsider this step and the possible consequences.