Kitten psychology: how to understand what your cat is thinking
How to understand a kitten
It is worth trying to understand how your kitten thinks and why he behaves the way he does. Then you can further strengthen your relationship and properly raise the baby. In addition, it will help you rid the kitten of destructive behavior, and he will grow up into a cat with whom you will live happily.
How to become a smart cat for your kitten
Kittens learn from experience. If he brought him joy, the baby will want to repeat it. If it is an unpleasant experience, he will try to avoid it. When it comes to kitten training, the most important thing to remember is that rewards pay off. And the cry will probably not work, so you will only scare the baby.
To prevent your kitten from doing things you don’t like, educate him and create a positive environment for him around allowed activities. For example, to stop him from scratching your furniture, suggest that he use a scratching post instead. Try making it the center of an exciting activity: place toys and catnip around it and praise your pet when he uses the scratching post. This is how you change his behavior.
If you have a friendly relationship with a kitten and like to play and spend time with him, if you give him a lot of stimulating toys to keep him busy, he will not even think about bad behavior. Most often, bad behavior comes from boredom, and this is not difficult to fix.
Well, why does he do it?
Enough about good behavior. After all, sometimes you notice that your kitten is doing something wrong. Here are some explanations for that.
Why does a kitten suck on various things
Sometimes you notice a kitten sucking on a blanket or a toy, and some people even wake up to the kitten sucking on their ears! There is no clear explanation for this, but it is possible that kittens that are taken from their mother prematurely will be more likely to suck on things just to calm down. Or it could be out of boredom. Try swapping out your eared toddler’s toys to keep him interested.
When cats eat inedible things, it’s called pica. It can be dangerous if animals eat something that can block digestion, such as cloth or thread. In addition, some houseplants can be toxic to cats. Eating grass is considered normal for cats, so don’t worry about it. In rare cases, pica can be associated with certain medical conditions, so if you’re concerned, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian.
Why does the kitten sleep so much?
Most cats sleep between 13 and 18 hours a night, although this depends on their temperament and age. Your kitten is probably sleeping even longer. In fact, newborn kittens sleep most of the time. This allows them to stay close to their mother and ensures that they do not get lost or endangered.
Cats are nocturnal creatures, so they can sleep during the day and be active at night. This can be tricky, especially if you have young children who want to play with your kitten during the daytime, or if your kitten is prone to “night craziness”. Play with your baby longer during the day, especially before bed, and you will have a better chance that he will sleep at night.