Order | Parrots |
family | Parrots |
Race | blunt-tailed parrots |
View | Jaco |
Jaco body length – 36 – 38 cm, weight – about 500 gr. Jaco is “armed” with a black curved beak. The iris of the eyes in chicks is dark, later becoming whitish-gray, and in adult birds (over 12 months old) it is yellow. Jaco’s legs are lead grey. The rims around the eyes, the bridle, the cere and the nostrils are covered with leather. The tail is of medium length, the shape is cut, even. There are two colors in the plumage: ash-gray wings (the edges are slightly lighter) and a purple-red tail. The differences between males and females are slightly pronounced. But in most females, the skull is a little narrower, the shape of the head is more rounded, and the beak is not so curved. Many are interested in how long the Jaco parrot lives. The life expectancy of these birds is up to 75 years.
Jaco lives in the forests of Central and West Africa and periodically raids the surrounding fields where crops are grown, as well as in the savannas. But most often Jaco is found in mangroves, on the banks of full-flowing rivers. They eat mainly berries and fruits. In nature, almost no one threatens these parrots. Their main enemy is man. Previously, the Jaco was hunted for meat, and some tribes believed that the purple feathers of the Jaco had magical powers. Later, they began to catch the Jaco for sale. The Jaco is a very secretive and cautious bird, it is quite difficult to catch it. Therefore, it was easier to find the nest and get the chicks. The net was stretched in front of the hollow and beaten on the tree with a club. The chicks flew out, falling into the trap. The hunters did not climb into the hollow, because they were sure that there was real hell there, and they were afraid to get burned. However, this bird is unlikely to catch a parrot. Most likely, the reason for the “fights” that have been observed lies in the competition for food (oil palm fruits). Birds live in flocks, but during the mating season they are divided into pairs.
Character and temperament
Jaco is not intended only for interior decoration. It is unbearable for these birds to constantly be in a cage. Jaco requires a lot of attention, probably more than any other parrot. He is endowed with a gentle character and is in dire need of communication, he is strongly attached to the owner, and if he is absent for a long time, the feathered friend can yearn and even die! Even when you let the pet out of the cage, he should not be left to himself. Do not be stingy, get a variety of toys for the bird, so that Jaco has something to do at any time.
How to teach Jaco to speakIn nature, Jaco is a very noisy bird, it has an extensive repertoire of whistles, screams and screams. He is an excellent imitator, the best of parrots. Therefore, you can easily teach him to speak. The main thing is to devote time to classes. However, long lessons will tire the bird. It is better to practice for 5 minutes (no more) several times a day. Use only those expressions and words that are relevant at the moment. And encourage successful attempts to repeat with treats. Jaco parrots can imitate the “speech” of other pets, imitate your voice and quite meaningfully participate in a general conversation, inserting not only words, but also phrases. Jaco is not only talented students, but also excellent teachers. And an adult talking bird can train a new pet.How to tame a jacoIf you want the parrot to be tame, it is better if it is the only bird in the house. And remember that only a young parrot can be tamed. Adult birds are very shy and extremely prone to stress, which can cause not only illness, but also the death of a pet.
Maintenance and care
The cage for the Jaco parrot should be spacious and high. The parrot should be able to spread its wings there. The “house” must be strong – these birds will not miss the opportunity to unscrew, break or bend everything that is possible. One side of the cage should get used to the wall – this way the bird will feel calmer. The top of the cage should be at the level of your eyes. Even the most ingenious bolt is not an obstacle for a freedom-loving Zhako, so it’s better to lock the door with a key. When calculating the distance between the bars, make sure that the Zhako does not stick his head between them. Don’t forget your bathing suit! Jaco loves water treatments. He is even ready to wash in the shower (if the jet is not strong). But you need to accustom a bird to such a thing – gradually and carefully so as not to scare.
The diet of the Jaco should be varied. Include grain mixes (available at pet stores) and sprouted seeds, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Greens are required (dandelion leaves, radishes, lettuce, etc.) Provide access to the branches of fruit trees. Check with your veterinarian if you need to offer your pet a mineral supplement.
Many are wondering how to breed Jaco parrots at home. However, Grays rarely breed in captivity. The main difficulty lies in the selection of a couple. If the partners liked each other, you can witness a marriage ritual that lasts several days. After 2 – 3 weeks, the female will lay 3 – 4 eggs (with an interval of a couple of days). The clutch is incubated for a month. When the chicks are a little over 2 months old, they leave the nest. However, their parents continue to help them for some time. And until the next nesting season, young people can stay on the same “living space” with their parents.