It’s like that
Gaia pondweed, scientific name Potamogeton gayi. The plant is native to the temperate latitudes of South America. In nature, it occurs mainly in Argentina, growing in reservoirs with stagnant water (swamps, lakes, backwaters of rivers).
In a favorable environment, it develops a tall (up to 1 meter) thin stem with elongated (up to 12 cm) linear-shaped leaves arranged in two rows. The color of the leaves is green, but in bright light conditions, the top of the sprout acquires orange and brownish hues. The plant is fixed at the bottom with the help of a branched rhizome, from which bunches of thin roots extend. It blooms by forming an arrow that extends beyond the water, with miniature flowers. Blooms are rare in an aquarium.
Gaia pondweed is considered an undemanding, hardy species that can successfully grow in a wide range of temperatures and hydrochemical parameters. Nevertheless, it was noted that the most favorable environment is slightly alkaline soft water with a temperature in the range of 16–26 ° C and moderate or intense lighting.
It grows quickly, therefore, after acclimatization in a home aquarium, it begins to actively occupy all the free space due to the rapid development of the creeping rhizome and the appearance of new shoots. Regular thinning is required. Not suitable for small tanks.