Is your cat ready for winter?
Winter is snowflakes on the window, a magical New Year’s mood, warm blankets and home comfort. Perhaps this time of year is your cat’s favorite. When it’s cold outside, it’s so nice to bask with the hostess under the covers, doze off on her knitted sweater and hunt for legs in warm socks! But in order for the winter for the pet to be exceptionally pleasant, the owner needs to be on the alert. Cold window sills and drafts can cause cystitis and recurrence of urolithiasis (UCD). As soon as a cat gets cold – and that’s it, hello, new and old diseases! However, if you follow 10 recommendations, your pet’s health can be protected!
- Balanced diet
A well-balanced diet is the foundation of a strong immune system. Analyze your cat’s diet: is it suitable for her age and individual characteristics, is it balanced enough, does the composition meet the needs of the body, etc. For example, the basis of the cat’s diet should be meat, because. She is a predator first and foremost. If you are a fan of ready-made feeds, choose lines in which meat is in the first place (meat is ingredient number 1). With a natural type of feeding, also base the diet on meat and be sure to give the cat a vitamin and mineral complex. Your veterinarian will help you pick it up.
Veterinarians recommend special diets for cats with a tendency to KSD, cystitis and other diseases. Please consult your specialist on this matter.
- Drinking plenty of fluids
Along with a balanced diet, the prevention of KSD and cystitis is drinking plenty of water. When a cat drinks a lot and, accordingly, often goes to the toilet, the fluid in her bladder does not stagnate. This prevents the formation and settling of hard particles and pathogenic bacteria in the urinary system. But what if the cat drinks little water? Offer her liquid prebiotics (Viyo Reinforces – special for cats)! For a pet, they are about the same as healthy drinking yoghurts for us: they are tasty, improve digestion, and support the immune system. And in addition to everything, they provide the prevention of cystitis and KSD.
- Vaccination
Vaccination is a mandatory measure to protect the health of a pet, without it, nowhere. Regular vaccinations expand the range of action of the immune system and help protect your pet from serious diseases. An organism that is under reliable protection is less likely to get sick, while serious infections “attract” other diseases or their recurrence.
Vaccination is only effective if you follow the schedule!
- Deworming
Worm infestation is a common cause of weakened immunity, which means the development and recurrence of various diseases. For a long time, it can be asymptomatic, and unsuspecting owners do not understand why the pet is sick so often. The waste products of helminths slowly but surely destroy the body, striking specific organs and weak points. To protect your pet, be sure to deworm at least once a quarter.
Deworming is mandatory for all cats. Including for those who never leave the apartment. The risk of infection is still there. For example, the owner can bring helminth eggs into the apartment on his shoes.
- Parasite treatment
Ectoparasites (the most popular in cats are fleas) are also a serious danger to the immune system. And also huge discomfort, scratching and pain. Not only walking cats can get fleas. These parasites live in basements and entrances of houses, which means they can get into the apartment through an open door, cracks or … on your shoes and clothes.
Pets should be treated regularly for parasites! The frequency of processing depends on the selected protection. Read the instructions carefully.
- Preventive examinations
Diseases are easier to prevent than to cure. Make it a rule to take your cat to the veterinarian not only if there is a problem, but also for prevention purposes. It is enough to do this once every six months. Efforts – a minimum, but for the health of the pet you will be calm.
- No drafts
To prevent your cat from catching a cold, try to protect it from drafts. Especially after washing. It is better to dry the hair immediately with a hair dryer.
- Window sill insulation
If your cat loves to sleep on the windowsill, be sure to put a pillow or blanket on it. So that she does not catch a cold on a cold surface.
- Active games
The more a cat moves, the better its physical form, health and immunity. Stock up on toys that you can play with and that your cat will play with on their own. In our article, we tell. Entertaining games are not only pleasant, but also very useful leisure.
- No stress
Cats, just like us, suffer from stress. Frequent or long-term stress leads to a weakened immune system. By protecting your pet from stress, you automatically contribute to the preservation of his health.
These 10 simple tips will help you protect your cat’s health. Start using them right now!