Is the kitten healthy?
Determining that a kitten is healthy is not so difficult. If the baby has a good appetite, he is playful, responsive and friendly towards others, most likely everything is fine with him. Watching the kitten and spending time with him, you will certainly notice deviations. If you notice any worrying symptoms, see your doctor immediately.
A good appetite
To understand that the kitten is healthy, his appetite will help: if he wants to eat, he will live! This statement is equally true for both humans and animals. But everything is good in moderation: if you notice that the kitten eats too much, this may indicate the presence of worms, which means it’s time to conduct regular deworming. The amount of food eaten should correspond to the age of the kitten. You can clarify the proportions by checking the packaging of your chosen kitten food, or consult with your veterinarian.
If a kitten has lost its appetite, this is an alarming sign. Weak appetite, its absence, a small amount of food eaten during the day suggests that the kitten may be sick, unless, of course, you changed his diet and this is not a reaction to a change in food. But do not try to treat it yourself, go to the doctor.
The appearance of a kitten directly depends on its internal state. The baby should be moderately well-fed, without excessive fullness or thinness. Eyes with regular care should be bright and clean, with no signs of discharge. The ears should also be clean, be sure to check them for discharge. If you notice dark lumps in your ears, they may indicate an infestation with ear mites or other infections. The tongue and gums of a healthy kitten will be pink—pink, not pale. A healthy cat has no nasal discharge. Sneezing is acceptable, but not frequent, and if the kitten sneezes often, it may be sick.
To find out if a kitten is healthy, the appearance of his coat will help you. It must be clean and shiny. If the kitten is a hairless breed, monitor the secretion of sebum and remove it in a timely manner to avoid blockage and inflammation of the follicles. If the kitten is long-haired, such as a Persian, pay special attention to combing its coat to avoid tangles. However, tangles can manifest themselves not only as a lack of care, but also as a symptom of the disease. Worse, if the kitten develops bald spots, you should not ignore this problem, immediately consult a doctor.
After examining the coat, check the condition of the skin. Part the coat – the skin underneath should be clean, without scratching or irritation. These signs may indicate a food allergy or parasite infestation. If you notice something like this, contact your veterinarian. Periodically look under the kitten’s tail – there should also be no irritation or bald spots. Feel the belly – it should be soft and elastic, and palpation should not normally cause pain in the kitten.
Excellent behavior
A healthy kitten eats with appetite, runs a lot, plays and sleeps moderately. If the kitten sleeps too much and does not engage in play, this may be a sign of illness. If a kitten shies away from you when you want to caress it, this is also an alarming sign. If, among other things, the kitten gets tired of playing too quickly, consider a visit to a specialist. Remember that your little pet is a hyperactive creature and any decrease in activity can be a symptom of a dangerous disease.
To determine if a kitten is healthy, you will be able to observe its behavior. Look for warning signs and don’t ignore them. After weaning from the mother, you are the closest being for the kitten, and it is in your power to preserve his health, good mood and love for you for many years.