Is it possible to walk a domestic cat on a leash and how to do it correctly
You can already see a new trend: more and more owners walk cats on a leash. But before trying out the leash and harness on your furry friend, you should understand: is it worth walking a domestic cat? After all, not all pets enjoy spending time outside.
Do I need to walk the cat
As the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals points out, there are many good reasons not to let your pet out of the house: “Cats that walk outside are at risk of injury from traffic accidents or fights with other cats, attacks by stray dogs. Cats that are outdoors are more likely to pick up fleas or ticks and contract infectious diseases.” An animal can also become poisoned by eating a poisonous plant or insect.
Keeping a cat indoors allows not only to protect him, but also significantly reduce the likelihood of unwanted pests and microbes entering the house.
It is nothing more than a common myth that domestic cats cannot contract infectious diseases, so it is important that you do your best to keep your pet safe and healthy. Animals in poor health, especially the elderly, should not leave the house.
Another strong argument for keeping a cat exclusively at home is that the deep-seated predatory instincts of cats are taking their toll on the global songbird population. These natural predators once excelled in the wild, but today’s domesticated versions owe their longevity and health to their indoor environments.
Finally, in order to decide whether to walk a cat, you need to understand its character. If the animal is afraid of strangers or feels anxious during trips to the veterinary clinic, a walk even close to home can ruin his mood. When deciding whether to take a cat for a walk, consider her own feelings about it. Unlike dogs, not all cats are thrilled when they are asked to go outside.
However, there are pets who feel most comfortable when their lifestyle combines being indoors with being outdoors. This provides them with the perfect balance of living in a safe home with the outdoors.
How to properly walk a cat
For joint walks, it is better to use a strong harness that wraps around the entire chest of the animal and is equipped with a fastening for attaching a leash. A cat’s outdoor outfit should reflect her personality, so you can choose a harness and leash set that will emphasize her style.
Most cats do not immediately get used to the leash. But if a cat does not like being picked up, she is unlikely to like being grabbed to put on a harness. The idea of a walk also most likely will not appeal to nervous and timid cats. As with most physical activities, it is best to accustom the animal to walks from childhood. And if a cat is no longer a kitten, this does not mean that you should not even try.
Any changes to your cat’s routine, such as changing food or introducing a new grooming regimen, should be done gradually. It’s the same with walking a cat on a harness. In the first day or two, you need to put the harness and leash in a prominent place so that the cat can get used to these items by sniffing and playing with them. Then, before going outside, you can try to put a harness on the cat so that it looks like at home in it. Have her make a few circles around the rooms. The owner should evaluate the interest of the cat. If at first she does not show much enthusiasm, you can try a couple more times, but in no case should you force her.
Not all cats will be afraid of a leash: some of them will be happy to take a walk. “She loves to walk,” says Erin Billy of her cat Boogie, “and rushes headlong down the stairs as soon as she hears the front door open!” Boogie loves to explore nature, and using a harness and leash allows her to do so safely. In addition, this is a great way for the cat and its owner to spend time together.
The first walks with the cat should be short, no more than a few minutes, until she feels comfortable being outside. Most likely, her first reaction will be a condition that cat owners call “cat’s stupor”: the pet begins to limp and refuses to move. This is fine. By giving her the time and space she needs, the owner will be able to figure out for themselves whether walking with a cat is worth the effort.
If you still decide to let the cat outside, you need to prepare before going out:
- Put a collar on the cat with a tag that contains up-to-date contact information. You need to make sure that the collar fits well and the cat will not get out of it. In addition, if frequent walks are planned, it is worth exploring the issue of microchipping. This will make it easier to find the cat if it does get lost.
- Make sure that the cat takes all the medicines for fleas, ticks and heartworms on time. Taking such drugs will benefit any animal, but it is especially important for pets that are on the street.
- Prepare your cat for the weather conditions that await her outside. A pet that’s used to sitting indoors all day in 22 degrees Celsius is probably not ready for cold winter walks. The same can be said about rain. If your cat is going out on a hot summer day, be sure to take water with you so that she does not get dehydrated.
- Keep your pet on a short leash. For some, walking a cat has already become a common occurrence, but this is still a fairly new trend. Along the way you may meet neighbors walking their dogs, and a short leash will keep the cat away from any dog that wants to explore this new creature. The leash will also keep your pet from chasing wildlife that might get in her way.
- Another innovation is cat strollers. Although they do not provide the necessary physical activity for the cat, unlike walking, they can be a good alternative. Before using this accessory, you need to make sure that the cat is securely fastened inside. And even on a pet walking in a stroller, a collar with an address tag must be worn.
If the owner is sure that his cat is ready to go out, going outside is a great way to get the exercise she needs. The main thing to remember is that the health and safety of your beloved pet should always remain a top priority.