Is it possible to buy a domestic horse in Russia on Avito and how to keep it
The horse today is the only representative of the equine family of the equine order.
The origin of horses is well studied. Many remains have been found that testify to the existence of a small flattering ungulate. For 50 million years, this animal has turned into a large hoofed inhabitant of open spaces. Approximately 1,5 million years ago, horses appeared, which we can see today.
They prefer to settle in open steppe zones, where in case of danger they can quickly run away from the enemy. Severe cold, blizzards and ice greatly complicate their existence. It is very difficult to get food from under the snow, and by the end of winter, many individuals look more like walking skeletons, and many simply do not live up to warming. In the summer they feed again and quickly acquire a well-groomed appearance.
Horses by appearance divided into three subgenera:
- Horse (Equus). They have calloused bumps on all of their legs. The tail is completely covered with hair, from the very base.
- Subgenus donkey. Cones are present only on the front pair of legs, and the tail is covered with long hair only at the tip.
- Brindle. Their body is decorated with a large number of both dark and light stripes.
Domestic horse
The horse’s head is elongated. The eyes are large and lively, the ears are mobile and pointed, of medium size. The neck is elongated and very powerful. The mane is long, the tail is covered with hair from the very base. Legs are high and slender. The color can be completely different: white, gray, black, brown, with spots and stripes. The intensity of the color changes depending on the season. By old age, horses begin to turn gray.
Intellectual abilities are well developed, despite the small size of the brain.
The most developed sense organs:
- Hearing.
- Vision.
- Smell.
Life expectancy is about 30 years. The longevity record is currently held by a horse named Old Billy, who lived for 62 years.
Horse parameters
The better the care of the animal, the larger it is. The average height is 160-170 cm at the withers. Weight limit – 600kg. The tallest breed is the English Shire. His height can reach 190cm. He is also a heavyweight, his body weight can reach 1450kg.
The smallest representative is falabella. They grow up to a maximum of 75cm at the withers. The smallest and lightest was a stallion 35cm tall and weighing 9kg.
Horses are exclusively herbivores. On pastures they can eat about 100 kg of grass per day. Perceives exclusively oats, hay and straw. Refuses to eat other grain crops.
The pregnancy of a mare lasts longer than that of a human, approximately 11 months. The maximum number of offspring is two foals. Babies are born with the ability to see and can walk within minutes. Puberty occurs only at 3 years of age.
Wild horses, with the exception of the Przewalski’s horse, have become extinct in nature. The domestic horse is the only surviving subspecies. Actively used by man today.
horse and man
Representatives of the Botai culturewho lived 3000 years. BC, were the first to tame horses. People have mastered horseback riding in order to hunt wild horses. In one of the Botai settlements, a corral with traces of horse manure was found. In the discovered jugs there were traces of mare’s milk. Among the many remains were found horse molars with traces of a bit.
Scientists show evidence of crossing domesticated horses with wild mares. This explains the gradual spread of the domestication range and the extinction of wild individuals.
You can notice deviations in domestic individuals, indicating their distant belonging to wild horses. Most often this concerns the suit: dark stripes appear on light-colored horses. The suit in dapples is also a remnant of striping.
Like people, each horse has a different temperament and character. Allocate 4 types of temperament:
- strong balanced active;
- strong balanced phlegmatic;
- strong unbalanced;
- weak.
Temperament is acquired genetically, regardless of suit. It is he who determines the simplicity of submission to a person. It is much easier to cope with a phlegmatic individual than trying to curb a hot temperamental person. Character may vary depending on the conditions of detention and attitude towards the animal. There is no way to change the temperature.
It is very easy to get along with other animals. She can graze next to goats and sheep, because they need different types of herbs.
In stables, stallions and mares are often attacked by a weasel that loves horse sweat. She can tickle a horse to the point of exhaustion. For these purposes a goat is kept in the stables. Weasel does not tolerate his smell.
The danger to ungulates is represented by rats that carry various diseases and eat food. To get rid of rodents, cats are placed in the stables.
Dogs are used to guard horses. They are able to hear ultrasounds and drive away vampires at night who carry dangerous diseases.
The friendship between dogs and horses is especially close. It is due to the fact that they are brought up by a person. On horseback hunting, the rider puts a dog in his saddle so that he can look out for prey. The horse, if necessary, rushes after the dog.
In tandem with dogs, horses graze cattle.
Buying a horse in Russia
The horse, like any pet, will bring you extremely positive emotions. If necessary, help in the household. Be sure to become a true understanding friend. It will give you many reasons to smile with its individuality. And how unforgettable will it be to rush across the field, clinging to the mane of a good friend?
But such a pet requires very careful care and high financial costs.
Before the purchase ask yourself a couple of questions:
- Do my finances allow me to buy and maintain in excellent conditions?
- Do I have enough free time?
- Can I take care of the animals myself?
- Do I have enough knowledge to provide comfortable living conditions and proper care?
Did you answer yes to all questions? Have you realized all the responsibility that will fall on your shoulders? Then it’s time to start.
First, decide on the breed and gender of the animal. You don’t need a purebred stallion to walk through the woods and fields. If your riding skills leave much to be desired, it is worth buying a calm gelding or filly.
Where to buy a horse in Russia?
You can do it yourself or through an intermediary, which will pick up the animal in accordance with all your desires. You yourself can travel to equestrian clubs and breeders and look for the option that suits you.
The sale of horses in Russia is actively carried out via the Internet. On various sites, for example, on Avito, they post a lot of ads for the sale of horses. Without leaving your home, you can get acquainted with the origin of the horse, its awards, pedigree, character. Or see photos and videos. The convenience lies in the fact that you can easily set the price category you need and significantly narrow the boundaries of your searches. The price of a horse when selling directly depends on its skills, origin and health.
Do not rush to buy and pick up the horse as soon as possible. Make sure you have all the necessary documents and pedigree.