Is friendship between a cat and a baby dangerous?
Preparing to become a mother, every woman tries to think over a safe space for her unborn baby. And if there are pets in the house, this issue is even more acute. We can say that all the fears and worries about this are partially unfounded. Why partially? Because the relationship between a baby and an animal can, and should, be properly formalized. This, of course, will take time and effort.
Even during pregnancy, and maybe before it, many mothers think about such a disease as toxoplasmosis. Therefore, many decide to get rid of a pet in order to protect the unborn child. You can’t argue here, the disease can really cause various pathologies, but it’s worth understanding that you can catch the infection equally, both from a cat and from eating poorly fried meat or products from the garden.
It is impossible to ignore the opinion of experts who have repeatedly stated that a cat living exclusively in a house or apartment, eating food, cannot carry any danger. In this case, however, care must be taken to ensure that the animal does not prey on mice, and has less contact not only with other animals, but also with the environment (dust and dirt are also sources of toxoplasmosis). Plus, you should always monitor the cleanliness of the cat’s sleeping and latrine (use rubber gloves when cleaning), as well as its health and mood.
The cat also needs to be prepared for replenishment in the family. For her, this can be stressful, especially if she had no contact with children before. You need to understand that any new sounds, unfamiliar smells, can be considered by a cat as a threat, or lead the animal into bewilderment. However, the biggest stress for your pet may be the lack of attention, most of which will now naturally pass to the child. Jealousy is not alien to animals.
But if you approach the matter consciously, then you can minimize the psychological trauma of the cat, preparing it for the coming changes. To do this, no later than a month before the birth, it is enough to quietly cut the amount of attention to the cat so that she does not notice drastic changes in your behavior.
Pets are somewhat like small children, so make sure that your pet has enough toys and claw sharpeners, in this case, he will be able to entertain himself. Alternatively, you can purchase a friend for your cat, but the main thing here is that you do not double your worries from this. It is also very desirable that all family members pay attention to the cat, at least a little.
We also advise you to listen to some more recommendations that will help in solving emerging issues.
Show your pet to the vet. Despite the fact that the animal may appear perfectly healthy, it may have hidden diseases. The specialist may prescribe additional tests that will help determine the presence of parasites and hidden infections. Moreover, absolute physical health is the key to stress resistance.
You may have to turn to sterilization of the animal. As you know, after this procedure, the character of the animal changes, it becomes more calm and balanced. In addition, the question of further worries related to the sexual behavior of the cat will disappear. Pay attention to the general behavior of the pet. If you notice unreasonable aggression or fear, contact a specialist.
As the baby grows up, you need to make sure that he has an adequate relationship with the animal, so that he understands that the pet cannot be offended. Therefore, at first, you should not leave them unattended, and, if possible, also be present during their communication in the future, until the cat and the child get used to each other.
You can protect the child during joint games with a cat by accustoming the animal to a regular nail trimming procedure in advance, which must be done very carefully so as not to damage the periosteum. If you are not sure that you will do everything right, it is better to contact a specialist.
There is one more set of rules that you need to “acquaint” your pet with before the newborn arrives in the house. These rules apply to behavior in the children’s room. For example, a cat should not be allowed to climb into a crib. It is advisable to do this in advance, using double-sided tape, plastic bottles or other methods. In principle, it would be better if the animal explores the nursery before the baby appears in it, and with your help learns new rules of behavior here.
The moment of acquaintance of a cat and a baby is very important. Before this, feed the animal so that it has a good mood. If the cat does not mind, you can put her next to the baby, let her sniff him. But do not rush things if the cat is not yet ready for such an acquaintance. In this case, just give her some attention, because during your absence the cat could miss you.
A lot depends on the owner, who forms the correct attitude of the animal to the child. Do not be rude, create positive associations, encourage your pet with voice, food, strokes. And do not forget that cats are very demanding animals, so attention is of great importance to them. Create an environment in which both your baby and your pet receive care, attention and love, then there will be no jealousy, and all the consequences that follow from it.