Indoor Dog Breeds

Indoor Dog Breeds

Indoor dog breeds are suitable for people who do not need their pet to do a specific job. The purpose of miniature indoor dogs is to bring joy. They become true friends, helping to relieve stress and have fun. Lovely companions easily make contact, love to sit on the owner’s lap or next to him on the couch. After reviewing the list of decorative breeds with names and photos, it is impossible to remain indifferent, because it consists of small fluffies with a puppet appearance.

Toy breeds are decorative, bred specifically to decorate the life of the owner. Some of them are very ancient, such as Pekingese , Lhasa Apso , Chihuahua . Pets emphasized the privileged position of their owners. The decorative group also includes those breeds whose ancestors were hunting or service dogs. Now miniature pinschers , French bulldogs , Yorkshire and Australian silky terriers serve as pets, although the blood of guards and hunters still flows in their veins.

Dogs of decorative breeds are better suited for apartment maintenance than other types. Many of them do not need a lot of space, practically do not shed, and can learn to use the tray like cats. Dwarf breeds do not require long walks, but they still have to go out into the fresh air.

After seeing photos of cute babies, children often ask their parents to get one of the decorative dogs. The decision must be balanced – not every puppy is suitable for a child because of a too fragile physique or character traits. Having chosen the breed you like in the selection from, you can go to its detailed description to make sure that it is the right one. The price of decorative breeds of dogs, as a rule, is higher than average – you will have to pay for status.

What indoor dog breed is better to choose if you live in a small apartment? Small breeds will happily settle down even in a tiny living space. They do not need long walks, and the place can be arranged on a small rug or in a basket. The diet for small breeds must be properly balanced, because they need different nutrients than their larger relatives. Open, friendly, with a good mood and character – Indoor Dog Breeds at first sight evoke a feeling of comfort and positive emotions. They easily get along with other pets, can be trained – the main thing is the right upbringing, time spent together and, of course, feeling loved.