In what colors do cats see the world around them?
Do you think your cat sees what color her new toy is? And your favorite sweater? Is her mistress brown-haired, blonde or red-haired? Or does the whole world appear to her like a black and white movie? How is a cat’s vision different from ours? Can cats really see in the dark? Find out in our article.
What has nature decreed?
What should a cat’s eyesight be in order for it to survive in the wild? Let’s think.
Small wild cats are mostly nocturnal animals. In nature, they hunt in the dark, and sleep during the day. That is why your cat so often prevents you from sleeping at night: it scratches the floor under your bed and rushes around the apartment like a hurricane … A pet can be the most affectionate, tame and homely, but believe me, instincts are not asleep!
The main prey of cats are rodents. Most of them are also active at night. This means that the cat has to catch a gray mouse in the tall grass, when the only lighting is the moon and stars … And they do it perfectly!
Evolution tried and created ideal hunters from cats. They are keenly aware of smells, hear the slightest noise and … see different shades of gray in the dark. A cat, indeed, can easily catch a gray mouse in gray twilight. But this does not mean that she sees the world as a picture in night mode. Vision, in general, is not the most important thing for a cat. Her scent, vibrissae (whiskers), natural grace and dexterity also help her hunt.
For a long time, cats and dogs were thought to have black and white vision. However, this opinion was erroneous. Modern research has shown that cats see colors, though not as vividly as we see them. For example, if you see a bright yellow lemon, the cat sees it grayish yellow and dull. But do not be upset and do not rush to feel sorry for the pet! Everything that vision cannot handle, excellent sense of smell does an excellent job.
In a sense, cats “see” this world much more clearly than we do.
How is a cat’s eye different from a human’s?
In many ways, the structure of our eyes is similar. Both cats and humans have receptors on the retina – cones and rods. Cones recognize colors and shades, and rods recognize light. However, cats have far fewer cones than we do—and they can’t tell orange from dark brown. But they have more sticks. This means that at dusk your cat sees farther and more clearly than a person with the most excellent vision.
What colors do cats see?
It is not known exactly how many colors and what shades of them a cat can perceive. We know that she masterfully navigates in white, gray and dark colors, and the world around her is painted mainly in shades of green, blue, gray. Also, the cat catches yellow and purple, but may confuse them with white. But the cat does not distinguish red, brown, orange, pink colors – she sees them as different shades of gray.
How well do cats see in the dark?
Have you heard the statement that cats see perfectly in the dark? If yes, then don’t believe it!
In fact, cats can hardly see in pitch darkness. But why don’t they crash into furniture, you ask? Why do they move around as if they see every centimeter of the apartment?
First, cats have perfect spatial memory. And secondly, they have a supercompass – vibrissae, that is, antennae. It is thanks to them that the cat “feels” any changes in the surrounding space: it bypasses objects and catches the mouse as deftly as if it sees it in an open space in daylight.
However, if a cat sees poorly in the dark, then twilight is the perfect time for her. With its super-sensitive eyes, the cat sees a variety of shades of dark and catches any movement at a distance of up to 700 meters!
How does a cat see its owner?
Your cat sees you in different colors than you see in the mirror. She will not catch the new shade of your hair. Will not appreciate the soft pink color of your blouse. And she often sees you vaguely.
However, believe me, your cat will always identify you with absolute accuracy by smell, recognize you from thousands of people both in daylight and in the dark! He is the most dear to her, the most beloved. Can you imagine what amazing creatures live next to us?
And finally, a few more interesting facts.
More about cat vision
In low light, a cat’s pupil dilates to capture the maximum amount of light. On a clear day, the pupil turns into a thin vertical slit to protect the hypersensitive receptors. It’s like we squint. However, in large cats (tigers, leopards, lions, etc.) living in the savannah, the pupil cannot change in this way. Thanks again evolution! Large cats also hunt in daylight and need sharp eyesight during the day.
The viewing radius of a cat is about 200 degrees, while a person has only 180.
In low light, a cat’s vision is 7 times sharper than yours.
The cat sees a moving object at a distance of up to 700 meters. At the same time, she sees movement horizontally much better than vertically. That is, a cat will definitely see a mouse running across the field. But if the mouse stops or runs up the tree, it will have every chance to escape.
Best of all, cats see in the range from half a measure to 5 meters. Have you noticed that a cat may not see a treat that lies right in front of her nose? The reason is just this! Everything that is very close to the muzzle, cats either do not see at all, or see very blurry.